I didn't make Saturday's KMA like I planned. Had to run to the car dealership to get Joan Jetta inspected. Silly dealership, didn't have that done! They gave me a free detail for my time, though. Yay!
However, I spent most of Friday night and Sunday day nesting- doing some serious cleaning to
the house. I'm pretty sure that counted for some calorie burning, right?

Saturday I hung out with the GrandLady. Then I went shopping with JMoo for Husband's Valentine's present. I finally got him one of those fancy black watches he's been dying for. I couldn't find the one I got him, but I looked sorta like this -------> ------->:
Ironically enough, he got me a beautiful white sparkly watch to match. He is amazing, isn't he?
Sunday Hubs got home from work at Anahiem 3 (the motocross race, if you follow that), and we had a lovely evening on the couch- just us and pizza. Perfect.
Today is a LONG work day for me. I got to work at 8pm, and I'll be here until 10pm. Ouch. I had morning lessons until 11am, which is draining, but fun. Afterwards I put in a 1200 yard swim, at a very each pace. My stomach is definitely draging, and my flipturns aren't quite as streamlined. Over lunch I got in a GOOD run on the treadmill. Finally! I hate the damn thing, but a show I love on MTV was on, and I just had to accomplish 45 minutes. I did it, I got it done, and I was over it. It's hard to stay motivated to keep running when your body and mother nature are working against you. I have the Rock the Parkway 10k March 27th, so I'm trying to make sure I'm at least in shape enough to wobble 6 miles. I'm pretty sure it's going to involve a lot of walking (A LOT), but I'm trying to be the fit mom. Thus far, it's working out okay, but I'm no Labor Ready Liz (OMG have you seen her!? Talk about IronMom!).
Later this evening I am teaching another CPR/AED course. Then my puffy butt will drive home and I will go straight to my pillow.
Good mood. Feels decent. Mood swings possible. Hungry. Happy.
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