Starfish Handmade

Shop Etsy- Starfish Handmade

I like yoga pants. And coffee. And wine. And breastfeeding. But not breastfeeding while drinking coffee and wine. Never that. Well, rarely that.

Thanks for browsing at Starfish Handmade. This shop was a love child of mine born from enough people saying "You should really make an Etsy shop," that I couldn't hold out. In 2010 I had my first son, Eli. I was a 20-something business professional new mommy. I quickly realized I didn't give a damn about climbing the career ladder and wanted to be a stay at home mom. Well, that didn't happen. However, in 2012 my husband and life partner of then 12 years and I decided that we didn't care if our perfect beige walls had more boogers wiped on them and we thought it would be great to procreate again. Unfortunately, we had a loss in 2012 and another in early 2013 farther into the pregnancy. After some fist shaking and crocodile tears (and a lot of praying and pleading) we were able to have our darling Everett this spring. Yet again, the yearning to be a SAHM has popped up. While this shop isn't going to pay my mortgage (geez that would be a lot of fabric), this can help me back off some hours at my daily grind to spend more time with my boys. 

I love to make things that are functional and fun. My favorites are the nursing necklaces, knit baby wraps, and crib bedding. 

I'll try pretty much anything at least once, underwater basket weaving to double stitching.

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