Mondays and Thursdays workout schedules usually invovle something along the lines of deep stretching or yoga.
Pff.. Yoga.
I ALWAYS picture Yoda eating yogurt when I hear the word yoga. I dont know why.
Well, today, I had some time in my 11 hour workshift, and decided to catch an 11 am yoga class.
The class had a lot of sitting in it. And some breathing. Some strange poses with some strange names. I wouldn't say it did any aligning of my Chi or left me feeling at one with my inner self. It was, however, something different out of the norm. So, since my March work schedule leaves my Thursdays pulling long hours, I have decided that I'm going to take the one hour a week and do the damn thing.
Even if I never realize my inner calm, it's something outside of the swim-bike-run-lift I see daily.
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