Monday, September 28, 2009
Kick My A....nerobic Threshold
Ah, it's that time agian. Believe it or not, KMA is right around the corner! January is coming faster than we want to beilieve (so is next season!).This year, KMA is at a new locale right down the street from the Bike Stop. If you want to develop some serious power in your legs and get your heart primed for cycling, you should be in this class. I've taken a half-dozen different types of "Spin" Classes, and this, by far, kills them all. I'm going to C&P the information. I highly highly highly suggest signing up for the class taught by Dr. Goodpain, er, Greg Goodman.KMA ADVANCED INDOOR CYCLING CLASSWant to ride faster? Read on…For the 5th year we I will be teaching the Kick My A…nerobic Threshold (KMA) indoor cycling class. This will be a 12 week program meeting twice a week Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-8:15 p.m. (a change from last year). Classes will run from Jan. 5th- March 25th 2010. I’ll schedule an optional outdoor time trial in the spring at a date TBA. This year class will be held in a warehouse on corner of 40 hi way and Cemetery Rd. (One mile west of the BS Bike Stop on the north side of 40)Greg Goodman will be leading this class in which you will go through a progressive program that will have you ready to ride for the 2010 season. All types of cyclists will benefit from this program. Workouts are designed to challenge the strongest of cyclists but adjustments are made for the 1st timer or beginner cyclist. You’ll be working at an intensity that you can handle…no one gets dropped on this group ride! This IS NOT your local gym spin class, pedal to the rhythm type training. You will learn about nutrition, strength programs, heart rate monitoring, cadence, and mental toughness. Workouts will consist of interval work, time trialing, strength building sets, climbing sets, power developmental sets, anaerobic threshold training, core training, and drills to improve your cadence and pedaling technique. We will also be using an my strength/power and flexibility program with Flexbands. Prior to the December starting date feel free to contact me at 699-8918 or at and I will help you with your training during the months prior to class to prepare you for KMA 2010. I will email everyone aerobic (base building) workouts that you can do on your own to prepare for class in January.Price for the class will be $175. ($200 if you don’t own a Flexband) Space is limited so get your spot reserved early. Cash is preferred but checks accepted. Make checks payable to Greg Goodman. Classes will start at 6:30 p.m. (AOB) and last approximately 1hr and 45 minutes. All participants must have a trainer (fluid trainers are the best)...magnetic trainers are ok if they are new models, heart rate monitor, cadence mode on your computer and a METAL SKEWER on the back wheel to prevent your bike from falling off the trainer. We are going to do this the "right way” thus the equipment requirements. You will get a 15% discount on trainers (that aren't already on sale) and 15% off on heart rate monitors at the Bike Stop.Our goal is to get you stronger both mentally and physically on the bike. Whether you are a competitive cyclist or just want to get in the best shape of your life I promise KMA will make you faster, stronger, and have more endurance! I hope to see you for some fun at this one of kind class in the area. To sign up contact Bike Stop at (816)224-8588, or contact me at the above mentioned phone number or email. Sign up right away to reserve your spot. A $75 (cash preferred, checks accepted) reservation fee is required.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORGreg Goodman, a Physical Education instructor for 30 years will lead you in this advanced conditioning class for cyclists which incorporate the latest advances in training techniques. Greg has a Master's Degree in Exercise Sports and Science. He is a former CMSU basketball player and a 5-time Ironman finisher placing 38th in the World in 1985 with a time of 10 hours and 18 minutes. Greg has taught a variety of classes such as Spin, Speed Agility and Quickness and Core & Functional Training. Greg has worked with athletes from 8 to 75 years of age and is looking forward to working with the Bike Stop cyclists for a 5th year.The 5th Annual KMA“Kick My A….nerobic Threshold”Indoor Cycling ClassWant to ride faster? Get in better shape? My goal is to get you stronger both mentally and physically on the bike. This is a class for any type of cyclist who wants to get in the best shape of their life. I promise KMA will make you faster, stronger, and have more endurance! All levels of cyclists are welcome. Workouts are designed to challenge the strongest of cyclists but adjustments are made for the 1st timer or beginner cyclist. You’ll be working at an intensity that you can handle…no one gets dropped on this group ride! I hope to see you for some hard work and fun in this one of kind class in the area. Dates: Januay 5th to March 25th. An optional outdoor Time Trial will be arranged at a date TBAWhen: Tuesday and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:15 P.M.Cost: $175 ($200 if you don’t have a “Flexband.” (See Required Equipment below for more information about Flexbands)There is a $75 dollar fee to reserve your spot. (cash preferred, check accepted) Make checks payable to Greg Goodman.Full payment due Dec. 1st. (Cash only) Full refund of $75 reservation fee prior to Dec 1st. After Dec. 1st refund will be $25 fee.Where: Warehouse on corner of 40 hi way and Cemetery Rd. (Approximately one mile west of the BS Bike Stop on the north side of 40)Required equipment:- Bike…If you haven’t had your bike fit to your measurements I’d highly advise a BG Bike Fit from the Lee Summit Bike Stop.- Resistance trainer. Fluid trainer are the best but newer model magnetic trainers will work. Include a front wheel riser to level off the bike and a METAL SKEWER (the heads of the skewer need to be metal not plastic) for the back wheel.- Heart rate monitor- Bicycle computer with cadence. Power meter is a great option for the serious cyclist.- A couple towels to wipe the sweat off yourself and the floor after class. We’ll be on cement this year.- Food and at least 2 bottles of fluid replacement (I’d advise one of water and one of Gatorade etc.)- Flexband: These are 40 inch industrial grade bands we use for an innovation strength and flexibility program that is crucial to your improvement. A very simple but effective piece of equipment that will give you years of use to aid in your strength and flexibility. Go to for more information on the bands. We use the light band (purple).- A desire to work hard with no whining because it’s all goooooood pain!
Posted: 8:47 AM 0 Say What!!?
Discussed: KMA Spin, obvious endorsements, Ooouuuch, Twenty-Ten
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Waddell & Reed Kansas City Marathon 2009

October 17, 2009
Poor poor Husband. He really thought I was kidding when I said we had to leave the house at 5:15am. Poor poor dog. He didn't know he wasn't going to dog park.
About 6:00am the Husband, Zeus dog, and I rolled into the parking lot on the south end of Crown Center. Here we were. Marathon day. In the rain. And cold. BUT! The temperatures were over 40, and I couldn't have been happier.
Before I found my pace group, I hung out with Merple and the blue beast for a bit. I wanted to stay in warm dry clothes as long as possible.
Zeus, however, was getting hugged loved and snuggle by triplet three year olds and their two older brothers. Nothing like seeing a hulking 110 + lbs cane corso getting mauled by a handful of toddlers.
Before taking off, Husband snapped a couple pictures of me, and gave me my throw-away DFT jacket. Throw-away jackets are the world's best invention. Seriously. They're like trash bags, shaped like coats, with a zipper. Genius.
I started the race with the 5:20 pace group. The pace band Julie gave me was for 5:25. I felt really confident in this time (oops! Except I only ran three times in as many weeks leading up to the race!).
I talked with a lady there quite a bit, and we ran together for a long time. Here's the course map to follow along the recap!
The course started at Crown Center, went north a long Power & light and Sprint Center, cut west where Andrea came up behind me (she was running the 5k), and then went back south. When we went under bartle hall, i lost signal on my Garmin. I looked down and saw the time stopped, then forgot to start it back up again. Duh. The rest of the race I had to add 6 minutes and .5 miles to the calculations. Stupid bridges.
As we were passing mile three (I think) the lady next to me told me to "Check out that dog!" It
This is when I should mention I ran in a running skirt. I've only worn it twice to run, but I pulled it on over a pair of tri shorts. I figured my ass could use the extra layer.
The course went south up this long hill by the Liberty Memorial. Loooong steeep hill. I started feeling like my bladder was full, and needed to pee- already! So, I kicked ahead of the pace group to potty at like mile 4, which was right out of the Liberty Memorial out-and-back. The line was ssoooo long. I decided I'd keep going. I spotted an Wendy's about a mile later.
I went in and line was about four women deep. I considered using the men's, until the grossest, biggest, greasiest man waddled out. He must have dropped a deuce the size of Raytown, because I, with my gag reflexes of steel, started feeling nauseated.
**Speaking of deuces: Friday morning I had a luncheon at one of my favorite restaurants. I had some salmon and cheesy rice. I'm not sure if the rice had something in it with gluten, or if my stomach was just not tolerating sustenance, but I had awful diarrhea. It lasted all afternoon, and until about 2am. I couldn't poop in the morning before the race, so I started with poo in bowels and completely dehydrated.**
I waited at the Wendy's for seven minutes. After I pee'd my bladder felt so deflated. I could drink and take in fluid again! Yay! But now, I was way behind my pace group. For whatever reason, I let me legs get WAY out from under me. I was hauling ass to catch up, for no real reason! I still had about 20 miles to go! Yet, I got back seven minutes in about 2.5 miles. Which meant I was basically running at 5k pace. I'm an idiot.
I felt really great and was still with the pace group at mile 10, where I saw Julie being a very up beat spectator. She had planned on running KC. But she raced Chicago the weekend before. I still think she should have done both. ha!

Mile 11 marks the start of the big climb- Sunset Dr. If you're familiar with Kansas City, and the ritz-tastic plaza, then you know the fancy-schmancy Sunset Dr. area. If not, check this out. This place has been for sale for a couple months, and I want it. You should buy it for me. Yes, that is a 25 yard infinity edge lap pool in the back. The homes on this street are freaking ridiculous. They are some of the best in KC. Even Ward Parkway, which we also visited, can't touch the Sunset Dr. homes.
Just after the peak of Sunset, is Loose Park. It's a staple for the Urbanites and Yoga-in-the-park people. Right at the top of Loose Park was my favorite band on the route (yes, there were bands along the route!). A Rastafarian reggae band! They were so good! Anyone know who those guys were? I want to see them play.
I started to loose footing on my pace group going up Sunset, and I could just see them in the distance at this point. However, I was now following a 5:20 pace band from the pace leader, and I was only 40 seconds off the cumulative time.
Now, I'm pretty sure I saw Julie on 75th street, by the brewery, but I don't remember. Somewhere around here she said she would see me at the 20 mile mark, but I couldn't tell you where.
In the Wornall-Brookside Blvd area I saw a handful of spectators I know. Thanks everyone!
I finally made it back to mile 20. We passed this on the way out. It was mile 8.5 for me, and the lead men were going past 20. Pff. If I were Kenyan I'd be fast too.
Here's where I was starting to hurt. I needed to poop, bad, and my knees were toast. My left foot started to throb along with my ankle at about mile 15, but it was tolerable. I had two emergency Tylenol that I took at the mile marker 20 aide station. I saw Julie and told her my stomach was acting up. I went in to poop, and of course, the seat was a mess, and there was no toilet paper. My gloves would have to do. The worst part was squatting. I thought my knees would explode and that I wouldn't be able to stand.
I felt much better, and Julie said she had talked to Husband. Apparently, he took the dog home, got a shower, had some lunch, and was driving back. Gawd, I'm so slow.
Somewhere about the infamous mile 18 I started to fall apart. I was taking longer walking breaks thru the aid stations, and was falling farther and farther off pace. I gave myself a pep talk here at 20, and was convinced it was now just a 10k. How many 10k's have I ran? Probably a hundred!
That didn't last too long, and I started doing run five minutes, walk two, plus the aid stations. There's several decent ascents in Hyde Park and the Paseo, which I struggled with.
I cop holding traffic asked me how I was feeling just before turning onto 18th St. "Like I'm at mile 24 of a marathon."
My foot really really hurt, and I was sluggish, but there was GREAT jazz coming off 18th and Vine and I was headed down the home stretch. The last two miles are flat to down hill, and I was trucking along (aka, moving at 13:55 min/miles).
I was so happy to turn down 18th cruising past the coffee houses and bicycle shop. So close!
I finished the race in 5:51.42. It was about 25 min off my goal time, but you can't be mad when you finish a marathon. It was also 13 min faster than my IMFL marathon split, which to date, is my only other marathon.
Next up, Gasprilla Distance Classic in Tampa Bay, FL. I'm not sold on the marathon yet. That's what I'm thinking, but I'm not positive. Mom's says she's going to do the half. I sent her a training schedule and she didn't respond. Hope I didn't scare the poop outta her!
We'll see if I'm okay to start training in a couple weeks. I sorta kinda stress fractured my foot Saturday (that explains that ouch during the race), so I have boot on. We'll see how long that lasts. I want to be healed to train, but I hobble and look stupid.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
It's Always Sunny in Kansas City
Okay, that's a lie.
I've been in Florida for a few days to lay to rest my grandmother's (and grandfather's) ashes. It's been a very tough and emotional trip. However, I got to spend a lot of quality time with my mom, whom I miss dearly, and my brother, sister in law, and one of my niece's (and a slew of aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, etc., that I rarely get the chance to see).
While I took my running stuff, I never unpacked my Garmin, let alone the running shoes. Tisk tisk. Not sure if running in 95 degrees would have been condusive to this weekend's marathon, anyway.
Speaking of the marathon: guess what! Mixed reports from drizzle, to run, to, what's this?! Farking SNOW?
Whatevs. This is the updated report (might not be the most credible, but it seems to be the most positive):
So, it will be cold. According to Brett Anthony (the official meteorologist for Runner's Edge KC) it should be dry all morning, and 48 by noon. And, I'd like to finish by 12:30pm.
I am still planning on Gorilla Multisport Shorts, with the tank, and an underarmour shirt. I'll start the race with the throw-away jacket I got from DFT many moons ago. Never had conditions that I thought I would need the throw-away for, and now I do.
I got some of those $1.00 gloves and almost matching $1.00 headband from Target. That oughtta do it, right?
If not, I may end up in capris, which will probably be the more sensible choice.
Here's the info on the marathon, and my number, in case you'd like to track me!

Friday, October 9, 2009
Where Was I Before I Stopped Breathing?

I have a marathon in one week, 16hrs.
Julie is racing Chicago Marathon on Sunday.
I have budgets for mutli centers due TODAY.
My maternal grandmother passed away this week. I'm jumping a plane to Orlando on Sunday. I'll spend time with my mother, and extended family. I'll have budget presentations, and meetings from the moment I land back in Kansas City, until race day.
Did I mention the weather? It's raining, drizzling, and, what's this? SNOW tomorrow!? I know, it's flurries. But still!
I hear O-Town is setting record highs again. Won't that be a kick in the ass. At least it's taper time. My shorter runs will be in 95 degree. After, of course, tonight's run, and Sunday morning's- both in the lower 40's.
I'm teaching a swim coaches clinic for the association tomorrow. I don't really know what I'm going to say, I have a basic outline, but I haven't made a packet yet. Yikes.
Sn0o0w. I said it again.
I just finished admistering my 5th pool check of the week, the 3rd of which I played "victim" in a spinal scenario. I have scrapes on my neck from the cervical collar, and scratches on my arms and legs from the straps. At least my spine is fine.
I worked the ICE fashion show last night. Some of the models are great. Some need throat punches. I saw a lot of random boobs.
The good news: The marathon forecast for the 17th looks like this:
Oct 17 Saturday
Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the low 40s..
Oct 17 Saturday
Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the low 40s..
I'm super itchy. It's nerves, irritation and dry dry skin.
I am hoping to finish up work before 7pm. I want to go home. Run, if possible. Drink a bottle of wine, and sit with my husband.
I'm really tired.
I need to breathe.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Kick My A....nerobic Threshold
Ah, it's that time agian. Believe it or not, KMA is right around the corner! January is coming faster than we want to beilieve (so is next season!).
This year, KMA is at a new locale right down the street from the Bike Stop. If you want to develop some serious power in your legs and get your heart primed for cycling, you should be in this class. I've taken a half-dozen different types of "Spin" Classes, and this, by far, kills them all. I'm going to C&P the information. I highly highly highly suggest signing up for the class taught by Dr. Goodpain, er, Greg Goodman.
Want to ride faster? Read on…For the 5th year we I will be teaching the Kick My A…nerobic Threshold (KMA) indoor cycling class. This will be a 12 week program meeting twice a week Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-8:15 p.m. (a change from last year). Classes will run from Jan. 5th- March 25th 2010. I’ll schedule an optional outdoor time trial in the spring at a date TBA. This year class will be held in a warehouse on corner of 40 hi way and Cemetery Rd. (One mile west of the BS Bike Stop on the north side of 40)
Greg Goodman will be leading this class in which you will go through a progressive program that will have you ready to ride for the 2010 season. All types of cyclists will benefit from this program. Workouts are designed to challenge the strongest of cyclists but adjustments are made for the 1st timer or beginner cyclist. You’ll be working at an intensity that you can handle…no one gets dropped on this group ride! This IS NOT your local gym spin class, pedal to the rhythm type training. You will learn about nutrition, strength programs, heart rate monitoring, cadence, and mental toughness. Workouts will consist of interval work, time trialing, strength building sets, climbing sets, power developmental sets, anaerobic threshold training, core training, and drills to improve your cadence and pedaling technique. We will also be using an my strength/power and flexibility program with Flexbands. Prior to the December starting date feel free to contact me at 699-8918 or at and I will help you with your training during the months prior to class to prepare you for KMA 2010. I will email everyone aerobic (base building) workouts that you can do on your own to prepare for class in January.
Price for the class will be $175. ($200 if you don’t own a Flexband) Space is limited so get your spot reserved early. Cash is preferred but checks accepted. Make checks payable to Greg Goodman. Classes will start at 6:30 p.m. (AOB) and last approximately 1hr and 45 minutes. All participants must have a trainer (fluid trainers are the best)...magnetic trainers are ok if they are new models, heart rate monitor, cadence mode on your computer and a METAL SKEWER on the back wheel to prevent your bike from falling off the trainer. We are going to do this the "right way” thus the equipment requirements. You will get a 15% discount on trainers (that aren't already on sale) and 15% off on heart rate monitors at the Bike Stop.
Our goal is to get you stronger both mentally and physically on the bike. Whether you are a competitive cyclist or just want to get in the best shape of your life I promise KMA will make you faster, stronger, and have more endurance! I hope to see you for some fun at this one of kind class in the area. To sign up contact Bike Stop at (816)224-8588, or contact me at the above mentioned phone number or email. Sign up right away to reserve your spot. A $75 (cash preferred, checks accepted) reservation fee is required.
Greg Goodman, a Physical Education instructor for 30 years will lead you in this advanced conditioning class for cyclists which incorporate the latest advances in training techniques. Greg has a Master's Degree in Exercise Sports and Science. He is a former CMSU basketball player and a 5-time Ironman finisher placing 38th in the World in 1985 with a time of 10 hours and 18 minutes. Greg has taught a variety of classes such as Spin, Speed Agility and Quickness and Core & Functional Training. Greg has worked with athletes from 8 to 75 years of age and is looking forward to working with the Bike Stop cyclists for a 5th year.
The 5th Annual KMA
“Kick My A….nerobic Threshold”
Indoor Cycling Class
Want to ride faster? Get in better shape? My goal is to get you stronger both mentally and physically on the bike. This is a class for any type of cyclist who wants to get in the best shape of their life. I promise KMA will make you faster, stronger, and have more endurance! All levels of cyclists are welcome. Workouts are designed to challenge the strongest of cyclists but adjustments are made for the 1st timer or beginner cyclist. You’ll be working at an intensity that you can handle…no one gets dropped on this group ride! I hope to see you for some hard work and fun in this one of kind class in the area.
Dates: Januay 5th to March 25th. An optional outdoor Time Trial will be arranged at a date TBA
When: Tuesday and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:15 P.M.
Cost: $175 ($200 if you don’t have a “Flexband.” (See Required Equipment
below for more information about Flexbands)
There is a $75 dollar fee to reserve your spot. (cash preferred, check accepted) Make checks payable to Greg Goodman.
Full payment due Dec. 1st. (Cash only) Full refund of $75 reservation fee prior to Dec 1st. After Dec. 1st refund will be $25 fee.
Where: Warehouse on corner of 40 hi way and Cemetery Rd. (Approximately one mile west of the BS Bike Stop on the north side of 40)
Required equipment:
- Bike…If you haven’t had your bike fit to your measurements I’d highly advise a BG Bike Fit from the Lee Summit Bike Stop.
- Resistance trainer. Fluid trainer are the best but newer model magnetic trainers will work. Include a front wheel riser to level off the bike and a METAL SKEWER (the heads of the skewer need to be metal not plastic) for the back wheel.
- Heart rate monitor
- Bicycle computer with cadence. Power meter is a great option for the serious cyclist.
- A couple towels to wipe the sweat off yourself and the floor after class. We’ll be on cement this year.
- Food and at least 2 bottles of fluid replacement (I’d advise one of water and one of Gatorade etc.)
- Flexband: These are 40 inch industrial grade bands we use for an innovation strength and flexibility program that is crucial to your improvement. A very simple but effective piece of equipment that will give you years of use to aid in your strength and flexibility. Go to for more information on the bands. We use the light band (purple).
- A desire to work hard with no whining because it’s all goooooood pain!
This year, KMA is at a new locale right down the street from the Bike Stop. If you want to develop some serious power in your legs and get your heart primed for cycling, you should be in this class. I've taken a half-dozen different types of "Spin" Classes, and this, by far, kills them all. I'm going to C&P the information. I highly highly highly suggest signing up for the class taught by Dr. Goodpain, er, Greg Goodman.
Want to ride faster? Read on…For the 5th year we I will be teaching the Kick My A…nerobic Threshold (KMA) indoor cycling class. This will be a 12 week program meeting twice a week Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-8:15 p.m. (a change from last year). Classes will run from Jan. 5th- March 25th 2010. I’ll schedule an optional outdoor time trial in the spring at a date TBA. This year class will be held in a warehouse on corner of 40 hi way and Cemetery Rd. (One mile west of the BS Bike Stop on the north side of 40)
Greg Goodman will be leading this class in which you will go through a progressive program that will have you ready to ride for the 2010 season. All types of cyclists will benefit from this program. Workouts are designed to challenge the strongest of cyclists but adjustments are made for the 1st timer or beginner cyclist. You’ll be working at an intensity that you can handle…no one gets dropped on this group ride! This IS NOT your local gym spin class, pedal to the rhythm type training. You will learn about nutrition, strength programs, heart rate monitoring, cadence, and mental toughness. Workouts will consist of interval work, time trialing, strength building sets, climbing sets, power developmental sets, anaerobic threshold training, core training, and drills to improve your cadence and pedaling technique. We will also be using an my strength/power and flexibility program with Flexbands. Prior to the December starting date feel free to contact me at 699-8918 or at and I will help you with your training during the months prior to class to prepare you for KMA 2010. I will email everyone aerobic (base building) workouts that you can do on your own to prepare for class in January.
Price for the class will be $175. ($200 if you don’t own a Flexband) Space is limited so get your spot reserved early. Cash is preferred but checks accepted. Make checks payable to Greg Goodman. Classes will start at 6:30 p.m. (AOB) and last approximately 1hr and 45 minutes. All participants must have a trainer (fluid trainers are the best)...magnetic trainers are ok if they are new models, heart rate monitor, cadence mode on your computer and a METAL SKEWER on the back wheel to prevent your bike from falling off the trainer. We are going to do this the "right way” thus the equipment requirements. You will get a 15% discount on trainers (that aren't already on sale) and 15% off on heart rate monitors at the Bike Stop.
Our goal is to get you stronger both mentally and physically on the bike. Whether you are a competitive cyclist or just want to get in the best shape of your life I promise KMA will make you faster, stronger, and have more endurance! I hope to see you for some fun at this one of kind class in the area. To sign up contact Bike Stop at (816)224-8588, or contact me at the above mentioned phone number or email. Sign up right away to reserve your spot. A $75 (cash preferred, checks accepted) reservation fee is required.
Greg Goodman, a Physical Education instructor for 30 years will lead you in this advanced conditioning class for cyclists which incorporate the latest advances in training techniques. Greg has a Master's Degree in Exercise Sports and Science. He is a former CMSU basketball player and a 5-time Ironman finisher placing 38th in the World in 1985 with a time of 10 hours and 18 minutes. Greg has taught a variety of classes such as Spin, Speed Agility and Quickness and Core & Functional Training. Greg has worked with athletes from 8 to 75 years of age and is looking forward to working with the Bike Stop cyclists for a 5th year.
The 5th Annual KMA
“Kick My A….nerobic Threshold”
Indoor Cycling Class
Want to ride faster? Get in better shape? My goal is to get you stronger both mentally and physically on the bike. This is a class for any type of cyclist who wants to get in the best shape of their life. I promise KMA will make you faster, stronger, and have more endurance! All levels of cyclists are welcome. Workouts are designed to challenge the strongest of cyclists but adjustments are made for the 1st timer or beginner cyclist. You’ll be working at an intensity that you can handle…no one gets dropped on this group ride! I hope to see you for some hard work and fun in this one of kind class in the area.
Dates: Januay 5th to March 25th. An optional outdoor Time Trial will be arranged at a date TBA
When: Tuesday and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:15 P.M.
Cost: $175 ($200 if you don’t have a “Flexband.” (See Required Equipment
below for more information about Flexbands)
There is a $75 dollar fee to reserve your spot. (cash preferred, check accepted) Make checks payable to Greg Goodman.
Full payment due Dec. 1st. (Cash only) Full refund of $75 reservation fee prior to Dec 1st. After Dec. 1st refund will be $25 fee.
Where: Warehouse on corner of 40 hi way and Cemetery Rd. (Approximately one mile west of the BS Bike Stop on the north side of 40)
Required equipment:
- Bike…If you haven’t had your bike fit to your measurements I’d highly advise a BG Bike Fit from the Lee Summit Bike Stop.
- Resistance trainer. Fluid trainer are the best but newer model magnetic trainers will work. Include a front wheel riser to level off the bike and a METAL SKEWER (the heads of the skewer need to be metal not plastic) for the back wheel.
- Heart rate monitor
- Bicycle computer with cadence. Power meter is a great option for the serious cyclist.
- A couple towels to wipe the sweat off yourself and the floor after class. We’ll be on cement this year.
- Food and at least 2 bottles of fluid replacement (I’d advise one of water and one of Gatorade etc.)
- Flexband: These are 40 inch industrial grade bands we use for an innovation strength and flexibility program that is crucial to your improvement. A very simple but effective piece of equipment that will give you years of use to aid in your strength and flexibility. Go to for more information on the bands. We use the light band (purple).
- A desire to work hard with no whining because it’s all goooooood pain!
Big Scary Run Recap
A week later and I'm finally talking about it! Dang! Okay, everything went fine. I actually don't have anything good or bad to say about it. It was, well, 20 miles. I did the whole thing with Julie. She's got some good goals for Chicago and I ran with her as close to her training pace for Chi Town as she needed to. Thus, I'm kind of thinking about reevaluating my KC Marathon goal. I have a tortoise time of 5:25 planned. However, I'm thinking it might be possible to go under 5. Basically, after looking at my pace bracelet Julie got me, if I go one minute faster per mile than I had planned, I will come in at 4:59. I know, a minute per mile is pretty damn lofty. But, we ran a training pace for 5:00 (11:40/min miles) and I still felt okay. Here's the actual difference of the two paces (and Boston Qualifying for the Helluvit): 
Today I make up yesterday's missed 10 miler. Then I have a 13 next weekend and an 8 the following. That's all, folks!

Today I make up yesterday's missed 10 miler. Then I have a 13 next weekend and an 8 the following. That's all, folks!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hitler Hates Kayne
Now, I like me some Kanyzzle now and then. I still think he deserves a throat punch.
So does Hitler.
Click to watch Hitler get angggrrry at Kanye.
So does Hitler.
Click to watch Hitler get angggrrry at Kanye.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
*The* Big Scary Run
Saturday morning has a big scary run waiting for me. Most things: distance, heat, mental weakness, I've battled before. Saturday, I battle them all.
The biggest war I've ever had in training was a run with Runner's Edge in 2007. Saturday, I will set out to conquer the course again. Here's the blog from that awful run.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Break down, break-break down…
I want to break down but don't know if I can
I need to break down but don't know if I can-Youth Brigade, Breakdown
It finally happened. I finally had it. The wall. The massive, brick and mortar, steel, barbed wire, mound in-cased fortress of a wall. I knew there was no way I could go all season without hitting it. It would be impossible. In fact, I started to worry about not climbing the mental barricade outside of a race. Well, worry no more. I had slammed head first at full throttle right on in to it.Saturday morning at 7:00 am Julie and myself (along with the rest of Runner’s Edge and Erin and Michele) started off on our run. Julie ran 2 before I met her, so she was actually going to go 22, I was going 20. No worries, I did 18 a few weeks ago and comparatively speaking, it was a breeze- we ran the whole thing. Saturday however, as we started out on the first couple miles I could tell I was working harder than usual. I felt like my effort and HR weren’t matching up, and that everyone else was going at a much easier pace. From what I understand, this could be a symptom of two things: overtraining, or under recovery. Of the two, I’m assuming that under recovery is to blame- I did just do a half ironman 2 weeks ago.The course was an odd layout at best. We started at Ward Parkway mall, went parallel to Ward Parkway, went through Waldo, Brookside, the edge of the ghetto, the Plaza, Loose Park… and then back. I still feel like I’m forgetting a section.Julie and I ran side by side for the first 10 miles; however there’s a long hill between miles 9 and 10- she put in a little distance on me there. It is awesome to see how her running has progress. I’m sure she remembers- just about a year ago Julie and I decided to run from my house, to the fire station and back. Two whole miles. I think we almost died. After our turnaround at mile 10 we had a couple other gals catch up with us. We mostly ran in a pack together as Julie and I explained IronMan and how we train for, eat during, poop when, and the feelings we have. People make you feel like a rock star, but I had to keep explain to these gals “You’re doing a marathon!! It’s the same mentality; we just do some extra training.” For whatever reason, nobody believes that.Julie and another girl or two ended up together and myself and another woman ran along together. Things were getting difficult for me and I was having a dang hard time to keep from going all-negative and dragging the other girl down. After the water stop at mile 14 I tried to run again, but I only could of a little ways. I wanted to run, but my legs were burning and my body wouldn’t listen to my mind. RUN! GO! I kept telling my self, but alas I was walking. So after so was the other gal. We marched along in silence for a long time. I kept taking little running steps every so often, but eventually I thought, Who am I kidding? I’m not running right now. The other girl had to stop to use the bathroom and I went on up ahead… Until I had to sit down. Yes, I sat down. I couldn’t continue to put one foot in front of the other. I just couldn’t do it. In fact, I was pleased with myself that I sat on a park bench, versus the intersection like I wanted to. After sitting and stretching for a minute my legs felt the burning go away, so I got up and started walking again. At this point I felt like I might actually be ok, so I started running again. Nope. I got nothing. It hurt. So, I was walking again.Once in Brookside and back on the Trolley Trail I was feeling a flush of emotions, I knew I only had 4 miles to go, and if I were running I’d be done in 50 minutes. However, I was not running. As I was moving along two older gals ran up along side of me and asked how I was doing. I just looked at them and said “fine.” One of the ladies said “Oh honey, you are not fine.” And started handing me sport beans and clif blocks. “You need something with a pep,” one told me. They asked if I had gels and sodium. I did, and was taking them like clockwork, which I believe helped to ward of the leg cramping. “We’ll stay with you for a while.” Hearing that I decided I couldn’t let these women walk too, so I jogged along side of them while they gossiped back and forth about people in their Bunko group (Ok, seriously, they were in their 60’s, and yes, they were going faster than me). At mile 17 I was walking again, and told them to go ahead. Within minutes I was sitting again. This time, on the trail, stretching, petting passersby’s’ dogs, stalling. The gal I left at the bathroom had caught back up, so I got up and walked with her. Again, we marched in silence. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes, but I felt like I needed to be strong in front of a stranger. Then I heard her sniff. I looked over and she too had tears in her eyes. Finally I said “All I want to do is go home lay on my bed and cry,” she said she thought she would right then if she could find a decent spot to lay down. My watched beeped reminding me of the time. I reached up and yanked my HRM strap off. I was over it. My HR didn’t matter to me. Forward motion did. The stranger at my side started to jog. “Come on” she whispered. I took about 10 steps in what at the moment felt as if it were a sprint. “I can’t” I said as she slipped away. She wasn’t looking back and I didn’t want her to. I didn’t want anyone to see me. Me, in my bright blue spandex shorts and butterfly tank top. This isn’t me. This is someone else in my body, someone else in my head. I’m a fighter. I claw my way through workouts, I literally scream, yell, urge myself on. Instead, I was shrinking. I felt like a fake.At just over 18 miles I came to the final aide station. I poured a cup of Gatorade, and plopped down on someone’s front steps. As I fumbled through my salt capsule pack the person picking up the RE’s stations pulled up. “You want a ride back to the mall?” I didn’t answer. I wanted to pretend I was invisible. “Hey- you want a ride?” The man asked again. I shook my head no, and opened my lips to say thanks, but I don’t believe any words would come out. In my body I was kicking and screaming yelling YES! Take me back! Please! I want out! I want to be done! I quit! I quit! I stood up, got some more water, and started to walk again. At this point, I was completely by myself. Some people were out walking, and I tried to pretend to be one of them, just moseying along, enjoy the first of fall weather (however it was over 80 degrees).It took me 30 minutes to go less than 2 miles. I simply couldn’t move any faster. As I started to walk back into the mall parking lot, head hung low, Julie pulls up. “Hey. You okay?” I actually had to smile and laugh to keep from crying. “I’m fine.” “You want a ride?” Ride. Ride? Ride! To go back!? To go the last 200 yards, by God, phuck that. I am going to drag my arse the last of the way if it kills me.I made it back into the mall to check in with Eladio and let him know I was done. “How’d it go?” he asked with a look of apprehension. “Not good, not good. I totally fell apart.” Now, the tears came. I was admitting aloud that I had a crash, that I was toasted before mile 14, and that in some aspects I had failed. He discussed in his coach-ie way how I was likely not recovered from my difficult half ironman, and that after all I would be so much stronger for pushing through and completing the miles.Which, I did do. I made all the miles. And it sucked. Bad. However as much as it sucked, I still completed every last foot under my own power.After I got into the car to drive home, my mind flooded with emotions. I was thankful I had the opportunity to push through a wall that big. While I did not run again at the end, I did keep moving. I had constant forward motion.I turned on the radio, and Tom Petty started to rock me a song about breaking down.Loudly, I sang along.
Posted: 8:45 AM
Discussed: blog, IronMan
The biggest war I've ever had in training was a run with Runner's Edge in 2007. Saturday, I will set out to conquer the course again. Here's the blog from that awful run.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Break down, break-break down…
I want to break down but don't know if I can
I need to break down but don't know if I can-Youth Brigade, Breakdown
It finally happened. I finally had it. The wall. The massive, brick and mortar, steel, barbed wire, mound in-cased fortress of a wall. I knew there was no way I could go all season without hitting it. It would be impossible. In fact, I started to worry about not climbing the mental barricade outside of a race. Well, worry no more. I had slammed head first at full throttle right on in to it.Saturday morning at 7:00 am Julie and myself (along with the rest of Runner’s Edge and Erin and Michele) started off on our run. Julie ran 2 before I met her, so she was actually going to go 22, I was going 20. No worries, I did 18 a few weeks ago and comparatively speaking, it was a breeze- we ran the whole thing. Saturday however, as we started out on the first couple miles I could tell I was working harder than usual. I felt like my effort and HR weren’t matching up, and that everyone else was going at a much easier pace. From what I understand, this could be a symptom of two things: overtraining, or under recovery. Of the two, I’m assuming that under recovery is to blame- I did just do a half ironman 2 weeks ago.The course was an odd layout at best. We started at Ward Parkway mall, went parallel to Ward Parkway, went through Waldo, Brookside, the edge of the ghetto, the Plaza, Loose Park… and then back. I still feel like I’m forgetting a section.Julie and I ran side by side for the first 10 miles; however there’s a long hill between miles 9 and 10- she put in a little distance on me there. It is awesome to see how her running has progress. I’m sure she remembers- just about a year ago Julie and I decided to run from my house, to the fire station and back. Two whole miles. I think we almost died. After our turnaround at mile 10 we had a couple other gals catch up with us. We mostly ran in a pack together as Julie and I explained IronMan and how we train for, eat during, poop when, and the feelings we have. People make you feel like a rock star, but I had to keep explain to these gals “You’re doing a marathon!! It’s the same mentality; we just do some extra training.” For whatever reason, nobody believes that.Julie and another girl or two ended up together and myself and another woman ran along together. Things were getting difficult for me and I was having a dang hard time to keep from going all-negative and dragging the other girl down. After the water stop at mile 14 I tried to run again, but I only could of a little ways. I wanted to run, but my legs were burning and my body wouldn’t listen to my mind. RUN! GO! I kept telling my self, but alas I was walking. So after so was the other gal. We marched along in silence for a long time. I kept taking little running steps every so often, but eventually I thought, Who am I kidding? I’m not running right now. The other girl had to stop to use the bathroom and I went on up ahead… Until I had to sit down. Yes, I sat down. I couldn’t continue to put one foot in front of the other. I just couldn’t do it. In fact, I was pleased with myself that I sat on a park bench, versus the intersection like I wanted to. After sitting and stretching for a minute my legs felt the burning go away, so I got up and started walking again. At this point I felt like I might actually be ok, so I started running again. Nope. I got nothing. It hurt. So, I was walking again.Once in Brookside and back on the Trolley Trail I was feeling a flush of emotions, I knew I only had 4 miles to go, and if I were running I’d be done in 50 minutes. However, I was not running. As I was moving along two older gals ran up along side of me and asked how I was doing. I just looked at them and said “fine.” One of the ladies said “Oh honey, you are not fine.” And started handing me sport beans and clif blocks. “You need something with a pep,” one told me. They asked if I had gels and sodium. I did, and was taking them like clockwork, which I believe helped to ward of the leg cramping. “We’ll stay with you for a while.” Hearing that I decided I couldn’t let these women walk too, so I jogged along side of them while they gossiped back and forth about people in their Bunko group (Ok, seriously, they were in their 60’s, and yes, they were going faster than me). At mile 17 I was walking again, and told them to go ahead. Within minutes I was sitting again. This time, on the trail, stretching, petting passersby’s’ dogs, stalling. The gal I left at the bathroom had caught back up, so I got up and walked with her. Again, we marched in silence. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes, but I felt like I needed to be strong in front of a stranger. Then I heard her sniff. I looked over and she too had tears in her eyes. Finally I said “All I want to do is go home lay on my bed and cry,” she said she thought she would right then if she could find a decent spot to lay down. My watched beeped reminding me of the time. I reached up and yanked my HRM strap off. I was over it. My HR didn’t matter to me. Forward motion did. The stranger at my side started to jog. “Come on” she whispered. I took about 10 steps in what at the moment felt as if it were a sprint. “I can’t” I said as she slipped away. She wasn’t looking back and I didn’t want her to. I didn’t want anyone to see me. Me, in my bright blue spandex shorts and butterfly tank top. This isn’t me. This is someone else in my body, someone else in my head. I’m a fighter. I claw my way through workouts, I literally scream, yell, urge myself on. Instead, I was shrinking. I felt like a fake.At just over 18 miles I came to the final aide station. I poured a cup of Gatorade, and plopped down on someone’s front steps. As I fumbled through my salt capsule pack the person picking up the RE’s stations pulled up. “You want a ride back to the mall?” I didn’t answer. I wanted to pretend I was invisible. “Hey- you want a ride?” The man asked again. I shook my head no, and opened my lips to say thanks, but I don’t believe any words would come out. In my body I was kicking and screaming yelling YES! Take me back! Please! I want out! I want to be done! I quit! I quit! I stood up, got some more water, and started to walk again. At this point, I was completely by myself. Some people were out walking, and I tried to pretend to be one of them, just moseying along, enjoy the first of fall weather (however it was over 80 degrees).It took me 30 minutes to go less than 2 miles. I simply couldn’t move any faster. As I started to walk back into the mall parking lot, head hung low, Julie pulls up. “Hey. You okay?” I actually had to smile and laugh to keep from crying. “I’m fine.” “You want a ride?” Ride. Ride? Ride! To go back!? To go the last 200 yards, by God, phuck that. I am going to drag my arse the last of the way if it kills me.I made it back into the mall to check in with Eladio and let him know I was done. “How’d it go?” he asked with a look of apprehension. “Not good, not good. I totally fell apart.” Now, the tears came. I was admitting aloud that I had a crash, that I was toasted before mile 14, and that in some aspects I had failed. He discussed in his coach-ie way how I was likely not recovered from my difficult half ironman, and that after all I would be so much stronger for pushing through and completing the miles.Which, I did do. I made all the miles. And it sucked. Bad. However as much as it sucked, I still completed every last foot under my own power.After I got into the car to drive home, my mind flooded with emotions. I was thankful I had the opportunity to push through a wall that big. While I did not run again at the end, I did keep moving. I had constant forward motion.I turned on the radio, and Tom Petty started to rock me a song about breaking down.Loudly, I sang along.
Posted: 8:45 AM
Discussed: blog, IronMan
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Adds up to:
No bueno.
That's my last two weeks of running. Er, lack there of. My allergies got so bad that I was covered in hives and sleeping less than two hours a night. Right when I started feeling comfortable on the medication I was given, it hit me again. Doc Lady says we have to try something else. Whatevs.
I'm running tomorrow, and that's that. Itch or no itch. Hold me to this.
I only have a total of 130 possible running miles left until October 17th. Which by the happens, happens to be a bachlorette party day. ::sigh:: Marathon in the morning, party my ass off in heels because Andrea Shadrick is getting married in the evening. Well, looks like I need to start training in stillettos, huh?
My long runs are scheduled like this: 12 22 12 14 8 26.2
Yep, only TWO runs are past the half mary point. Ah!
Better get on it!
Adds up to:
No bueno.
That's my last two weeks of running. Er, lack there of. My allergies got so bad that I was covered in hives and sleeping less than two hours a night. Right when I started feeling comfortable on the medication I was given, it hit me again. Doc Lady says we have to try something else. Whatevs.
I'm running tomorrow, and that's that. Itch or no itch. Hold me to this.
I only have a total of 130 possible running miles left until October 17th. Which by the happens, happens to be a bachlorette party day. ::sigh:: Marathon in the morning, party my ass off in heels because Andrea Shadrick is getting married in the evening. Well, looks like I need to start training in stillettos, huh?
My long runs are scheduled like this: 12 22 12 14 8 26.2
Yep, only TWO runs are past the half mary point. Ah!
Better get on it!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Longest Solo Run Ever (And I Pooped in a Field)
Sunday morning I ended up at work, instead of doing my 16-18mi planned run. It was storming so I wasn't too upset about it, but I know I would have to make it up Monday... AFTER work.
I was lucky enough to leave work a few hours early. That meant, at 3:30pm, I headed out on my longest run ever done by my lonesome (breaking last week's record of 14.25 on my own). It was overcast, and pleasantly cool, although quite humid from the morning storms. I kept expecting the skies to open up, but they didn't, thankfully.
My route took me south, out of Blue Springs, down 7hwy. There's a wide bike lane and shoulder, so it wasn't too sketchy to run on. Then, in Lake Lotawana, I made a right turn, onto Colbern. Colbern is 4 lanes across, no shoulder, no sidewalk. I ran on the side of the road for about 3.5 miles, then jumped on the path that basically appears from no where on the north side of Legacy Park in Lee's Summit. I continued down the trail as it went south along Blackburn Rd. I went past the LS Rec Center, reminding myself to stop there on the return trip to fill up the CamelPak and potty. I decided I was only doing 16, and right at the 8mi turnaround, my stomach dropped. I had to poop. NOW. In a beautiful residential neighborhood. Shit. Shit. Shit. Literally.
I started walking clenching my butt and waddling. Coach Lady told me cramping and stomach issues can be salt problems, so I was sure to pop an extra endurolyte. It seemed to help and I started running again. I got on the trail that looked to be the "shortcut" to the rec center.
About a half mile in the wrong direction, and exactly across from the rec center (on the other side of a LAKE!) I couldn't wait. I took about ten steps off the path into knee high grass, turned around in a cirle like a dog making bedding, and well. I pooped. It felt AMAZING.
Then I started back in the direction I came from. Again, I had to go off course to make it to the rec center, filled bottles, got the luxury of wiping, and started back.
At about mile 13, I looked down and realized I was only 10min of my best half marathon time (not including the pit stops, but including the near mile walk from 7.5-8.5). Nice. I was keeping it easy, and crusing pretty well.
Things turned around from 13-15. The sun was out and getting HOT. I was getting tired. I was running on the concrete road, and my knees were hurting. My calfs were tight. My back hurt. I was over Orange gatorade.
At mile 16 I picked up someones discarded, nearly full water bottle from the side of the rd. I poured it all over me. I maybe even drank a little. I know, but I was running out of liquids, FAST.
I took solace in knowing that my now death march stride was almost a minute faster than my death march of two years prior. I could stop and walk, but, then it would take LONGER until I got home. Eff that. I wanted home. NOW.
I finally arrived home just over 3 1/2hrs from when I left, arriving at 17.64mi. I guess the extra mile and change was the marathon god's way of saying to do the longest possible planned runs.
I streched and climbed into the ice bath, tears on my face, so happy to be done. Hubs asked why I do this to myself, and that it obviously isn't fun. I couldn't really answer him, but told him deep down I actually like it.
"You're ate up, honey." He said, as he went out the door to walk the dog.
I know, but I'm 18 miles stronger than the day before.
I was lucky enough to leave work a few hours early. That meant, at 3:30pm, I headed out on my longest run ever done by my lonesome (breaking last week's record of 14.25 on my own). It was overcast, and pleasantly cool, although quite humid from the morning storms. I kept expecting the skies to open up, but they didn't, thankfully.
My route took me south, out of Blue Springs, down 7hwy. There's a wide bike lane and shoulder, so it wasn't too sketchy to run on. Then, in Lake Lotawana, I made a right turn, onto Colbern. Colbern is 4 lanes across, no shoulder, no sidewalk. I ran on the side of the road for about 3.5 miles, then jumped on the path that basically appears from no where on the north side of Legacy Park in Lee's Summit. I continued down the trail as it went south along Blackburn Rd. I went past the LS Rec Center, reminding myself to stop there on the return trip to fill up the CamelPak and potty. I decided I was only doing 16, and right at the 8mi turnaround, my stomach dropped. I had to poop. NOW. In a beautiful residential neighborhood. Shit. Shit. Shit. Literally.
I started walking clenching my butt and waddling. Coach Lady told me cramping and stomach issues can be salt problems, so I was sure to pop an extra endurolyte. It seemed to help and I started running again. I got on the trail that looked to be the "shortcut" to the rec center.
About a half mile in the wrong direction, and exactly across from the rec center (on the other side of a LAKE!) I couldn't wait. I took about ten steps off the path into knee high grass, turned around in a cirle like a dog making bedding, and well. I pooped. It felt AMAZING.
Then I started back in the direction I came from. Again, I had to go off course to make it to the rec center, filled bottles, got the luxury of wiping, and started back.
At about mile 13, I looked down and realized I was only 10min of my best half marathon time (not including the pit stops, but including the near mile walk from 7.5-8.5). Nice. I was keeping it easy, and crusing pretty well.
Things turned around from 13-15. The sun was out and getting HOT. I was getting tired. I was running on the concrete road, and my knees were hurting. My calfs were tight. My back hurt. I was over Orange gatorade.
At mile 16 I picked up someones discarded, nearly full water bottle from the side of the rd. I poured it all over me. I maybe even drank a little. I know, but I was running out of liquids, FAST.
I took solace in knowing that my now death march stride was almost a minute faster than my death march of two years prior. I could stop and walk, but, then it would take LONGER until I got home. Eff that. I wanted home. NOW.
I finally arrived home just over 3 1/2hrs from when I left, arriving at 17.64mi. I guess the extra mile and change was the marathon god's way of saying to do the longest possible planned runs.
I streched and climbed into the ice bath, tears on my face, so happy to be done. Hubs asked why I do this to myself, and that it obviously isn't fun. I couldn't really answer him, but told him deep down I actually like it.
"You're ate up, honey." He said, as he went out the door to walk the dog.
I know, but I'm 18 miles stronger than the day before.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Let Me Crawl Out from Under This Rock
Hi. I'm Courtney, and I have a Blog. I need to stare in the mirror and tell myself this every morning, and maybe someday I'll set aside 10 minutes to update it.
Ok, so let's see here, what have I been doing?
Let's start somewhere back around Kansas 70.3. I had a great race, and decided to take a few weeks off to chill out. I eventually picked up on running again, trying to gear up for the Kansas City Marathon. Then I cut my achillies at the dog park, which made wearing shoes, even bandaged up and double socked, impossible. The deep cut took about two weeks to heal up enough to stand running.
Well now I'm over that. But, I seemed to keep missing (ie: Being lazy, work, having too many excuses) my long Sunday runs. About a week ago I realized I was supposed to be running 14. I did 9. 9 was impressive. Wanna know why? Because prior to my 9miler, my longest run since KS 70.3 was a 6.5 miler. Yes, I know. Roll your eyes.
So, this week I of course missed my Wednesday run. Which I actually did make up, on Thursday. Then I ran my scheduled Friday. Two days back to back. Not fun. Then a long run for Saturday. To get myself back on track, I actually did the 14 (14.85 to be exact). I felt decent, considering I didn't start until 9am, at which point it was already 80* outside. When I finished almost three hours later, it was 94*. Gah. Well, at least I can survive in the heat. Which is good, since next weekend is 16-18.
Also next weekend is a bachlorette party. At this point, the prudent thing to do is to go and not drink, and have my ass in bed before 1am. It will be an early wake up call to get my feet on the pavement. Then, we're heading to the in-laws for lunch. An hour away. This means that if we have to be there by, oh, 1:30pm, we need to leave by 12:15pm. So I need to finish my run by 11:00am in time for me to stretch, ice bath, and shower. Completing my run which will take approximately 3hr and 40 min for 18 miles (not counting a gas station pit stop to refill hydration systems) means starting by 7am. At the latest. That's getting up at 6:15am. With 5 hrs of sleep.
On second thought, I'll be home before midnight. Sigh.
Other things on the agenda:
Swimming in Moonshine 2mi Open Water Race. It's the tail end of August and will make a great camping trip. Now, if I could only get my ass in the water to do a little swimming before hand.
I Got Older:
I had a birthday last Monday. Thus, I realized that unless I decided to do another race other than the marathon, I am approaching the end of my 20-24 age group career. Wow, so strange to think that when I started at 20. I'm actually ageing up! Welcome to the fast girls, huh?
For my birthday I got a fancy new phone, and a Garmin 305. I heart them both. Oh, and I can't forget. Neon blue Asics. Yes, back to the (b)Asics. I like the Zoot Ultras, but they're really just flats, and can't support a second season, let alone a marathon. I may pull them out of retirement for sprint triathlons if I ever enter another one.
Can't shake that (ironman) feeling:
I'm still sad that I decided to back out of the Redman full. It broke my heart and as race day nears, I'm feeling like I should be getting ready. It's definitely less time consuming training for marathon only races, and it worked out better for my schedule. Now, I'm looking ahead to 2010. Will it be Cozumel or Arizona? Both are held at the end of November. This would place a 20 week countdown at the begining of July. May thru the start of August were crazy work months for me, but I've seen things taper off as I gradually got a hold of it. I'm looking forward to next summer, as I feel like I now have the tools I need to get thru both training, and work.
To Julie. She finished her fourth marathon over the weekend at the ET marathon outside of Vegas. Crazy thing- they start at effing midnight! She's also got Chicago coming up this year.
Ok, so let's see here, what have I been doing?
Let's start somewhere back around Kansas 70.3. I had a great race, and decided to take a few weeks off to chill out. I eventually picked up on running again, trying to gear up for the Kansas City Marathon. Then I cut my achillies at the dog park, which made wearing shoes, even bandaged up and double socked, impossible. The deep cut took about two weeks to heal up enough to stand running.
Well now I'm over that. But, I seemed to keep missing (ie: Being lazy, work, having too many excuses) my long Sunday runs. About a week ago I realized I was supposed to be running 14. I did 9. 9 was impressive. Wanna know why? Because prior to my 9miler, my longest run since KS 70.3 was a 6.5 miler. Yes, I know. Roll your eyes.
So, this week I of course missed my Wednesday run. Which I actually did make up, on Thursday. Then I ran my scheduled Friday. Two days back to back. Not fun. Then a long run for Saturday. To get myself back on track, I actually did the 14 (14.85 to be exact). I felt decent, considering I didn't start until 9am, at which point it was already 80* outside. When I finished almost three hours later, it was 94*. Gah. Well, at least I can survive in the heat. Which is good, since next weekend is 16-18.
Also next weekend is a bachlorette party. At this point, the prudent thing to do is to go and not drink, and have my ass in bed before 1am. It will be an early wake up call to get my feet on the pavement. Then, we're heading to the in-laws for lunch. An hour away. This means that if we have to be there by, oh, 1:30pm, we need to leave by 12:15pm. So I need to finish my run by 11:00am in time for me to stretch, ice bath, and shower. Completing my run which will take approximately 3hr and 40 min for 18 miles (not counting a gas station pit stop to refill hydration systems) means starting by 7am. At the latest. That's getting up at 6:15am. With 5 hrs of sleep.
On second thought, I'll be home before midnight. Sigh.
Other things on the agenda:
Swimming in Moonshine 2mi Open Water Race. It's the tail end of August and will make a great camping trip. Now, if I could only get my ass in the water to do a little swimming before hand.
I Got Older:
I had a birthday last Monday. Thus, I realized that unless I decided to do another race other than the marathon, I am approaching the end of my 20-24 age group career. Wow, so strange to think that when I started at 20. I'm actually ageing up! Welcome to the fast girls, huh?
For my birthday I got a fancy new phone, and a Garmin 305. I heart them both. Oh, and I can't forget. Neon blue Asics. Yes, back to the (b)Asics. I like the Zoot Ultras, but they're really just flats, and can't support a second season, let alone a marathon. I may pull them out of retirement for sprint triathlons if I ever enter another one.
Can't shake that (ironman) feeling:
I'm still sad that I decided to back out of the Redman full. It broke my heart and as race day nears, I'm feeling like I should be getting ready. It's definitely less time consuming training for marathon only races, and it worked out better for my schedule. Now, I'm looking ahead to 2010. Will it be Cozumel or Arizona? Both are held at the end of November. This would place a 20 week countdown at the begining of July. May thru the start of August were crazy work months for me, but I've seen things taper off as I gradually got a hold of it. I'm looking forward to next summer, as I feel like I now have the tools I need to get thru both training, and work.
To Julie. She finished her fourth marathon over the weekend at the ET marathon outside of Vegas. Crazy thing- they start at effing midnight! She's also got Chicago coming up this year.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Come Swim With Me!
Myself and another aquatics director are hosting a masters swim meet at the Vivion Rd. YMCA on July 25th. It’s a non-sanctioned, completely for fun event. Everyone from lap swimmers to hardcore athletes like yourselves can participate. It’s going to be outdoors, in a 50 meter pool.
There are several different events in all distances, and it will be a good time all around. I’m attaching the meet entry info. All you have to do is fill it out and mail it in. J Please pass these out to your swimmers, or forward this email along.
This isn’t a huge meet, and it will be a great time to either tune up for a triathlon or just enjoy the age group summer league feeling we had when swimming as kids.
Let me know what ya think!
I can really use the help promoting this event! Thank you!!
1st Annual YMCA of Greater Kansas City
Masters Summer Sizzler
Vivion Road Family YMCA
Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday, July 25, 2009
HOSTED BY: Vivion Road Family YMCA and the YMCA of Greater Kansas City
LOCATION: Outdoor pool area at Vivion Road Family YMCA
FACILITY: POOL Outdoor 50 meter by 25-yard pool, offering 8 lanes
of long course competition.
TIMING Manual stop watch timing and back up will be used.
RULES: 2009 United States Masters Swimming rules will govern the meet.
OFFICIALS: Meet Directors : Sara Garrett and Courtney Staton
START TIMES: Saturday morning warm-ups at 7:00am with competition beginning at 8:10 am. Indoor 25 yard short course pool will be available for warm-ups immediately before and after each event. Indoor pool will be open to YMCA patrons, please be courteous to members using the facility. All times are Central Standard Time.
SAFETY: In the interest of safety and accident prevention, spectators, coaches and swimmers are asked to observe all posted pool rules and to conduct themselves in a safe manner.
ELIGIBILITY: Swimmers are not required to be registered with USMS or YUSA Swimming. This is an open, non-sanctioned event.
ENTRIES: Swimmers may enter up to six individual events. Please note, events may be run back to back. Breaks will be given between events if time is available. Bring volunteer, receive 20% off. Volunteer must be available at warm ups and stay through entire meet.
ENTRY FEES: YMCA Members: $20 up to four events. $5.00 charge for each additional event up to six events. Community Members: $30 up to four events. $5.00 charge for each additional event up to six events.
Make checks payable to: YMCA of Greater Kansas City and mail with entry packet.
ENTRY LIMIT: Swimmers may enter a maximum of 6 events.
DECK ENTRIES: Deck entries will be accepted at the discretion of the meet directors. Deck entries will not be seeded with an entry time. Deck entries will be seeded as “NT”.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Pre-registration is due by Monday, July 6, 2009 for discounted shirt offer. Entry forms, release waiver and entry fees are due to meet director by Monday, July 20, 2009 at 8:00am. All entries received after this deadline will be deemed “Deck Entry” and may be entered with “NT.”
EVENT SHIRTS: Cost of event shirts is $6.00 with pre-registration. If registered after July 6, 2009, cost of shirt is $12.00. An order form is included with entry sheet.
MAIL ENTRIES TO: Email entries to
Mail to:
Vivion Road Family YMCA
ATTN: Sara Garrett, Meet Director
1101 NE 47th Street
Kansas City, MO 64116
SEEDING: All events are timed finals and will be seeded according to all applicable YUSA Swimming rules. Seed times will be times entered on the entry form. Entries with no time (NT) will be seeded by random draw. Notification of scratches will be appreciated in case lanes are needed for late entries.
Events will be swam co-ed and mixed age groups for purpose of seeding. Awards will be given based on gender and age group.
The 800 Free, 400 IM and 400 Free will be seeded fast to slow and combined if necessary to expedite the meet. We reserve the right to limit any event as necessary due to the session limitations. The courses and events will be split or combined at the discretion of the meet referee in the interest of running the most efficient meet.
Times entered shall be in Long Course Meters. If no LCM time available, please refer to:
SCRATCHES: All scratches should be submitted to the Clerk of Course as soon as possible to provide lanes for possible late entries.
AWARDS: Awards will be given to top three finishers in each age group category for both genders. Age groups are as follows: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 +. Awards ceremony will take place at TBA.
SCORING: There will be no team scoring.
MEETING: A swimmers meeting will be held at 8:00am prior to the start of the meet.
CONCESSIONS: There will be a concession area provided upstairs in the spectator area. Heat sheets and t-shirts will also be for sale in this area.
Order of Events
1 400m Indiv. Medley 8 100m Freestyle
2 200m Freestyle 9 100m Backstroke
3 100m Breastroke 10 50m Butterfly
4 50m Backstroke 11 200m Indiv. Medley
5 100m Butterfly 12 50m Freestyle
6 400m Freestyle 13 800m Freestyle
7 50m Breastroke
*This Portion Must Be Detached and Included With Entry Blank For All Mailed Entries*
2009 YMCA of Greater Kansas City
Masters Summer Sizzler
Waiver and Entry Blank
In consideration of this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, administrators and assigns, waive and release any and all claims against the YMCA of Greater Kansas City, Vivion Road Family YMCA, meet directors, staff, officials, and volunteers for injuries and /or expenses incurred by me at this meet or while on the road to and from this meet. I am a bona fide amateur athlete and am eligible to compete in all the events I have entered.
Printed Name ______________________________
There are several different events in all distances, and it will be a good time all around. I’m attaching the meet entry info. All you have to do is fill it out and mail it in. J Please pass these out to your swimmers, or forward this email along.
This isn’t a huge meet, and it will be a great time to either tune up for a triathlon or just enjoy the age group summer league feeling we had when swimming as kids.
Let me know what ya think!
I can really use the help promoting this event! Thank you!!
1st Annual YMCA of Greater Kansas City
Masters Summer Sizzler
Vivion Road Family YMCA
Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday, July 25, 2009
HOSTED BY: Vivion Road Family YMCA and the YMCA of Greater Kansas City
LOCATION: Outdoor pool area at Vivion Road Family YMCA
FACILITY: POOL Outdoor 50 meter by 25-yard pool, offering 8 lanes
of long course competition.
TIMING Manual stop watch timing and back up will be used.
RULES: 2009 United States Masters Swimming rules will govern the meet.
OFFICIALS: Meet Directors : Sara Garrett and Courtney Staton
START TIMES: Saturday morning warm-ups at 7:00am with competition beginning at 8:10 am. Indoor 25 yard short course pool will be available for warm-ups immediately before and after each event. Indoor pool will be open to YMCA patrons, please be courteous to members using the facility. All times are Central Standard Time.
SAFETY: In the interest of safety and accident prevention, spectators, coaches and swimmers are asked to observe all posted pool rules and to conduct themselves in a safe manner.
ELIGIBILITY: Swimmers are not required to be registered with USMS or YUSA Swimming. This is an open, non-sanctioned event.
ENTRIES: Swimmers may enter up to six individual events. Please note, events may be run back to back. Breaks will be given between events if time is available. Bring volunteer, receive 20% off. Volunteer must be available at warm ups and stay through entire meet.
ENTRY FEES: YMCA Members: $20 up to four events. $5.00 charge for each additional event up to six events. Community Members: $30 up to four events. $5.00 charge for each additional event up to six events.
Make checks payable to: YMCA of Greater Kansas City and mail with entry packet.
ENTRY LIMIT: Swimmers may enter a maximum of 6 events.
DECK ENTRIES: Deck entries will be accepted at the discretion of the meet directors. Deck entries will not be seeded with an entry time. Deck entries will be seeded as “NT”.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Pre-registration is due by Monday, July 6, 2009 for discounted shirt offer. Entry forms, release waiver and entry fees are due to meet director by Monday, July 20, 2009 at 8:00am. All entries received after this deadline will be deemed “Deck Entry” and may be entered with “NT.”
EVENT SHIRTS: Cost of event shirts is $6.00 with pre-registration. If registered after July 6, 2009, cost of shirt is $12.00. An order form is included with entry sheet.
MAIL ENTRIES TO: Email entries to
Mail to:
Vivion Road Family YMCA
ATTN: Sara Garrett, Meet Director
1101 NE 47th Street
Kansas City, MO 64116
SEEDING: All events are timed finals and will be seeded according to all applicable YUSA Swimming rules. Seed times will be times entered on the entry form. Entries with no time (NT) will be seeded by random draw. Notification of scratches will be appreciated in case lanes are needed for late entries.
Events will be swam co-ed and mixed age groups for purpose of seeding. Awards will be given based on gender and age group.
The 800 Free, 400 IM and 400 Free will be seeded fast to slow and combined if necessary to expedite the meet. We reserve the right to limit any event as necessary due to the session limitations. The courses and events will be split or combined at the discretion of the meet referee in the interest of running the most efficient meet.
Times entered shall be in Long Course Meters. If no LCM time available, please refer to:
SCRATCHES: All scratches should be submitted to the Clerk of Course as soon as possible to provide lanes for possible late entries.
AWARDS: Awards will be given to top three finishers in each age group category for both genders. Age groups are as follows: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 +. Awards ceremony will take place at TBA.
SCORING: There will be no team scoring.
MEETING: A swimmers meeting will be held at 8:00am prior to the start of the meet.
CONCESSIONS: There will be a concession area provided upstairs in the spectator area. Heat sheets and t-shirts will also be for sale in this area.
Order of Events
1 400m Indiv. Medley 8 100m Freestyle
2 200m Freestyle 9 100m Backstroke
3 100m Breastroke 10 50m Butterfly
4 50m Backstroke 11 200m Indiv. Medley
5 100m Butterfly 12 50m Freestyle
6 400m Freestyle 13 800m Freestyle
7 50m Breastroke
*This Portion Must Be Detached and Included With Entry Blank For All Mailed Entries*
2009 YMCA of Greater Kansas City
Masters Summer Sizzler
Waiver and Entry Blank
In consideration of this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, administrators and assigns, waive and release any and all claims against the YMCA of Greater Kansas City, Vivion Road Family YMCA, meet directors, staff, officials, and volunteers for injuries and /or expenses incurred by me at this meet or while on the road to and from this meet. I am a bona fide amateur athlete and am eligible to compete in all the events I have entered.
Printed Name ______________________________
Monday, June 29, 2009
Kona Here I Come!
... but not for Ironman.
I'm lucky enough to be taking a fabulous trip to the Big Island in September, for some friend's wedding.
But, I must admit something: I thought my first trip to HI would be with my bike en route to the World Championships. My excitement is stalled by how much I wish I was racing IM this year. And, how I wish I were racing IM Hawaii, not just stopping in as a tourist.
I sent a couple emails back and forth with the resident pro Bree about her hometown. She's promised me an OWS and I'm going to hold her to it. Also, I'll be just a month out from my open marathon, and training plans for that particular week look to include two 6 and one 12 mile runs. I'm hoping to pretend about an Ali'i Drive finish. Any chance there's a half marathon in Kona on September 12th? I'll have to look into it. (If i had planned better for my trip to MN over Memorial Day, I would have raced in the Stillwater MN half marathon.)
I don't think we're staying at the same resort as our friends, so I'm making some plans to ditch the hubs for 90 minutes a day to get in my workouts, and maybe get in a swim with Kona Masters, if they'll take me.
I'm trying to get myself psyched for the trip- I am really excited to go, but struggling with not be the terms I had planned. Plus, now after this trip, I have to convince the Hubs that we really will have enough money to make it to IM Cozumel in 2010 (which of course, the entry fee is due in November) to um, celebrate our anniversary (and race IM!).
In other news....
This whole gluten free thing is becoming less of a struggle, however, it's becoming increasingly difficult to stick to the Paleo plan. I had another allergic reaction over the weekend to something (oh, btw: I had an allergic reaction post IMKS 70.3 that put me in the ER). This one wasn't as bad, but made my lips poof out like I had Daisy of Love collagen lips. I also keep having crazy rashes. I've mostly determined that it's not actually allergies, but an auto-immune disease known as Celiacs. So, I suppose it's good I'm gluten free now. But, I still need to get the official tests done, and figure out what the hell is actually wrong with me.
The great thing is, I'm losing weight without too much effort. However, it's steadied off in the last week. The first 12.5lbs were a snap. I'd like to go another 20 of the L-Bs, but we'll see what happens.
It's not like I'm training for Ironman, as if I need another reminder.
I'm lucky enough to be taking a fabulous trip to the Big Island in September, for some friend's wedding.
But, I must admit something: I thought my first trip to HI would be with my bike en route to the World Championships. My excitement is stalled by how much I wish I was racing IM this year. And, how I wish I were racing IM Hawaii, not just stopping in as a tourist.
I sent a couple emails back and forth with the resident pro Bree about her hometown. She's promised me an OWS and I'm going to hold her to it. Also, I'll be just a month out from my open marathon, and training plans for that particular week look to include two 6 and one 12 mile runs. I'm hoping to pretend about an Ali'i Drive finish. Any chance there's a half marathon in Kona on September 12th? I'll have to look into it. (If i had planned better for my trip to MN over Memorial Day, I would have raced in the Stillwater MN half marathon.)
I don't think we're staying at the same resort as our friends, so I'm making some plans to ditch the hubs for 90 minutes a day to get in my workouts, and maybe get in a swim with Kona Masters, if they'll take me.
I'm trying to get myself psyched for the trip- I am really excited to go, but struggling with not be the terms I had planned. Plus, now after this trip, I have to convince the Hubs that we really will have enough money to make it to IM Cozumel in 2010 (which of course, the entry fee is due in November) to um, celebrate our anniversary (and race IM!).
In other news....
This whole gluten free thing is becoming less of a struggle, however, it's becoming increasingly difficult to stick to the Paleo plan. I had another allergic reaction over the weekend to something (oh, btw: I had an allergic reaction post IMKS 70.3 that put me in the ER). This one wasn't as bad, but made my lips poof out like I had Daisy of Love collagen lips. I also keep having crazy rashes. I've mostly determined that it's not actually allergies, but an auto-immune disease known as Celiacs. So, I suppose it's good I'm gluten free now. But, I still need to get the official tests done, and figure out what the hell is actually wrong with me.
The great thing is, I'm losing weight without too much effort. However, it's steadied off in the last week. The first 12.5lbs were a snap. I'd like to go another 20 of the L-Bs, but we'll see what happens.
It's not like I'm training for Ironman, as if I need another reminder.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ironman Kansas 70.3

Ironman Kansas 70.3
June 14, 2009
Goals: Finish. Have Fun. Touch Chrissie Wellington.
Saturday morning I worked. Same as everyday. Bike check in was also Saturday, which put a bit of time crunch on everything.
However, I made it out to Lawrence- Clinton Lake, in time to ride about 45min of the course (and go past Chrissie Wellington- totally almost crashed), and check my bike in. I met up with Shannan Garcia, another aquatics director, and we rode together. Then, we stood in the lllooong registration line. But, it wasn’t awful. Why? There was a live band playing. Just like Wildflower! I loved it.
After registration Shannan and I walked our bikes down to bike check in. This race was set up a lot differently than last year- two transition areas about a mile apart. The swim to bike TA was right next to the lake (duh). Before we could drop off our bikes, we had to get body marked. I despise night-before body marking, but whatever, I’m not the race director. The TA was tightly packed with about five rows set up in long columns to house the 2200 entries. Goldmember was snuggled up against several hot looking Cervelos, and I kissed him goodnight.
After bike check in, we trudged back up the hill to check out the bike to run TA. This one was much more spacious. We talked about driving the course, but it was already almost 6pm, and Shannan had to drive back to Olathe. I was lucky enough to be staying at my friend Jill’s house, and Julie was meeting me there to Sherpa me. Yay for Half Iron Sherpas.
Jules and I met up at Jill’s and decided to head out to dinner. Dinner is always an experience. Particularly since I am now eating Gluten free. I had shrimp and veggies, which were delish. I watched Julie take a couple bites out of the bread. She swears it wasn’t that good. I don’t believe her.
There were a few others in the restaurant that were racing on Sunday, but none of them were sporting the fancy schmancy compression socks I was. They. Are. Sexy.
After dinner we went back to Jill’s and I packed and repacked my now two transition bags. I was kind of frustrated. I have never felt so unprepared for a race. It was all mental. I’ve been working so much the race was really far off in my mind. When I packed items up for the weekend, I just walked around my house grabbing things and putting them in my bag. I’m glad I got the right stuff!
Jules and I snuggled up in bed- facing each other. Yes, like we are lovers. We totally are. I almost immediately fell asleep. Next thing I realized, the alarms were going off and it was go time!
This was my first race eating gluten free, so instead of a bagel, I ate an apple with natural peanut butter and a banana. Yum.
Sunday morning we arrived in the parking lot the same time as everyone else. So much for being early. It was very nice not having to walk my bike in from the parking lot, and the walk helped to um, loosen some stuff up, if you will.
When we made it to the main festival area, everything looked great. I got my run shoes and visor set up, then we proceeded down to the swim to bike TA. There was definitely a buzz in the air. A guy a few spots down kept asking everyone questions. I don’t know if this was his first race, or if he just had a lot of things to learn. I think it’s great to ask questions about the sport, but the morning of the race is not that time. I am antisocial in the TA. It’s part of my getting my game face on. At 6:20 a volunteer started walking thru the TA letting everyone know it was closing. Ahh! Time to scramble! I grabbed my wetsuit my father in law got me for Christmas (I love it!! It’s the Blue Seventy reaction sleeveless), some Chamois butter, swim cap and goggles. I made my way down to the swim start- very Wildflower-esq as well. The start is between some docks, and Mike Reilly was standing on one side getting everyone reved up. My waved started at 6:40, and had about 90 women in it. I like big swim waves. More feet to float off of!
Swim 1.2 Miles 33:36
I started at the front and inside- my favorite starting position. The sky was very overcast, and I was praying it wouldn’t start storming (IMKS 70.3 in 2008 a stormed brewed right at the finish- I was pulled off the run course with just a few more to go!). I felt really good thru the whole swim. I wasn’t real springy, but I felt good sighting. My one complaint with the swim was that I would like to see more big buoys. But, you get what you get and everyone is one the same course, right? Right. The water was dingy, big surprise for Kansas, huh? It got a little choppy on the way back, but the swim was over quick. Not my fastest time, but I was pleased.
T1 3:27
I completely took my time. It was starting to sprinkle and I knew it was gonna get nasty fast. I was slow and made sure I had everything I needed before hitting the course.
Bike 56 Miles 3:19.27
Right away there’s the gradual climb up to the festival area. Then a flat section, a couple ups and downs, the dam and smaller rollers with some fast sections. I felt like this year’s revised course was much easier than last years. However, after talking to several people, I figured out I’m just in better shape! It took me nearly 3:45 last year! Huge improvement. Saw my dad out on the course too, which was awesome. So glad he got to drive to Lawrence to see me zoom by for 20 seconds. I really was glad he made it out though! Dad was parked right by the last big hill headed back to the lake. I’m not sure what he said, but I think it was something along the lines of “It’s not a hill, it’s a hump.” Which made me laugh. I was bummed by having to stop to pee at mile 30, but it was better to stop for two minutes than waste 10 trying to pee on the bike. For the first three hours, we had cloudy skies, and sprinkles. Then, on the way back, I saw some blue sky start to perk up.
T2 1:58
Again, I wasn’t rushing, but I had a decent TA. I ran passed my slot because I was listening to how Chrissie Wellington went 4:14. Holy shiit that’s fast. Then I back tracked to my spot. Someone else had racked in it, so I had to return to favor to some poor person behind me. Sorry!
Run 13.1 Miles 2:47.33
Well, when I left the TA it was SUNNY. And hot. And humid. I like it. I felt pretty springy so I decided to just sit back and roll with my legs. The course is basically a two out and back with a loop in between that you repeat twice. Sounds confusing, I know, but it was AWESOME. It was a really good chance to be surrounded by spectators. I got to see Julie and her hubs Dan several times. Along with so many friends. Also, it was great to see the other people racing so much. Very very good course! Around mile 6 I was starting to fade a little bit, so with a little self pep talk on how I would only need to suffer another hour, I tried to pick up the pace. At about mile 9 I knew I had to pee and couldn’t hold it any more, so I “stretched” in a squat behind an aid station. OMFG. I had some bad monkey butt and didn’t realize until I pee’d. Yeeooouuuch!
Right after that Julie jogged up next to me, beer in hand, and encouraged me. So jealous. No more beer for me :sigh:
Soon, I was curving home onto the coolest finish chute. The chute had sunflowers down it, and a bright yellow carpet- just follow the yellow brick road! I finished and was stoked. Then a lady said, make sure you get your finisher’s medal from this lady- CHRISSIE WELLINGTON! Chrissie Freaking Wellington put my finisher’s medal on me, and HUGGED ME for a photo. Thus, fully accomplishing ALL of the day’s goals. I almost started crying!
And, after walking around a bit with Julie, we found Chrissie signing autographs and taking pictures. Of course, we stepped up. She signed my finisher’s medal. YAY!
All in all, I had an awesome race, only 6 min off of my PR from 2007. I’m very happy. I got to meet lots of Texas Gorillas (they’re awesome!) Also, the course and race directors were amazing. Great job to those guys.
June 14, 2009
Goals: Finish. Have Fun. Touch Chrissie Wellington.
Saturday morning I worked. Same as everyday. Bike check in was also Saturday, which put a bit of time crunch on everything.
However, I made it out to Lawrence- Clinton Lake, in time to ride about 45min of the course (and go past Chrissie Wellington- totally almost crashed), and check my bike in. I met up with Shannan Garcia, another aquatics director, and we rode together. Then, we stood in the lllooong registration line. But, it wasn’t awful. Why? There was a live band playing. Just like Wildflower! I loved it.
After registration Shannan and I walked our bikes down to bike check in. This race was set up a lot differently than last year- two transition areas about a mile apart. The swim to bike TA was right next to the lake (duh). Before we could drop off our bikes, we had to get body marked. I despise night-before body marking, but whatever, I’m not the race director. The TA was tightly packed with about five rows set up in long columns to house the 2200 entries. Goldmember was snuggled up against several hot looking Cervelos, and I kissed him goodnight.
After bike check in, we trudged back up the hill to check out the bike to run TA. This one was much more spacious. We talked about driving the course, but it was already almost 6pm, and Shannan had to drive back to Olathe. I was lucky enough to be staying at my friend Jill’s house, and Julie was meeting me there to Sherpa me. Yay for Half Iron Sherpas.
Jules and I met up at Jill’s and decided to head out to dinner. Dinner is always an experience. Particularly since I am now eating Gluten free. I had shrimp and veggies, which were delish. I watched Julie take a couple bites out of the bread. She swears it wasn’t that good. I don’t believe her.
There were a few others in the restaurant that were racing on Sunday, but none of them were sporting the fancy schmancy compression socks I was. They. Are. Sexy.
After dinner we went back to Jill’s and I packed and repacked my now two transition bags. I was kind of frustrated. I have never felt so unprepared for a race. It was all mental. I’ve been working so much the race was really far off in my mind. When I packed items up for the weekend, I just walked around my house grabbing things and putting them in my bag. I’m glad I got the right stuff!
Jules and I snuggled up in bed- facing each other. Yes, like we are lovers. We totally are. I almost immediately fell asleep. Next thing I realized, the alarms were going off and it was go time!
This was my first race eating gluten free, so instead of a bagel, I ate an apple with natural peanut butter and a banana. Yum.
Sunday morning we arrived in the parking lot the same time as everyone else. So much for being early. It was very nice not having to walk my bike in from the parking lot, and the walk helped to um, loosen some stuff up, if you will.
When we made it to the main festival area, everything looked great. I got my run shoes and visor set up, then we proceeded down to the swim to bike TA. There was definitely a buzz in the air. A guy a few spots down kept asking everyone questions. I don’t know if this was his first race, or if he just had a lot of things to learn. I think it’s great to ask questions about the sport, but the morning of the race is not that time. I am antisocial in the TA. It’s part of my getting my game face on. At 6:20 a volunteer started walking thru the TA letting everyone know it was closing. Ahh! Time to scramble! I grabbed my wetsuit my father in law got me for Christmas (I love it!! It’s the Blue Seventy reaction sleeveless), some Chamois butter, swim cap and goggles. I made my way down to the swim start- very Wildflower-esq as well. The start is between some docks, and Mike Reilly was standing on one side getting everyone reved up. My waved started at 6:40, and had about 90 women in it. I like big swim waves. More feet to float off of!
Swim 1.2 Miles 33:36
I started at the front and inside- my favorite starting position. The sky was very overcast, and I was praying it wouldn’t start storming (IMKS 70.3 in 2008 a stormed brewed right at the finish- I was pulled off the run course with just a few more to go!). I felt really good thru the whole swim. I wasn’t real springy, but I felt good sighting. My one complaint with the swim was that I would like to see more big buoys. But, you get what you get and everyone is one the same course, right? Right. The water was dingy, big surprise for Kansas, huh? It got a little choppy on the way back, but the swim was over quick. Not my fastest time, but I was pleased.
T1 3:27
I completely took my time. It was starting to sprinkle and I knew it was gonna get nasty fast. I was slow and made sure I had everything I needed before hitting the course.
Bike 56 Miles 3:19.27
Right away there’s the gradual climb up to the festival area. Then a flat section, a couple ups and downs, the dam and smaller rollers with some fast sections. I felt like this year’s revised course was much easier than last years. However, after talking to several people, I figured out I’m just in better shape! It took me nearly 3:45 last year! Huge improvement. Saw my dad out on the course too, which was awesome. So glad he got to drive to Lawrence to see me zoom by for 20 seconds. I really was glad he made it out though! Dad was parked right by the last big hill headed back to the lake. I’m not sure what he said, but I think it was something along the lines of “It’s not a hill, it’s a hump.” Which made me laugh. I was bummed by having to stop to pee at mile 30, but it was better to stop for two minutes than waste 10 trying to pee on the bike. For the first three hours, we had cloudy skies, and sprinkles. Then, on the way back, I saw some blue sky start to perk up.
T2 1:58
Again, I wasn’t rushing, but I had a decent TA. I ran passed my slot because I was listening to how Chrissie Wellington went 4:14. Holy shiit that’s fast. Then I back tracked to my spot. Someone else had racked in it, so I had to return to favor to some poor person behind me. Sorry!
Run 13.1 Miles 2:47.33
Well, when I left the TA it was SUNNY. And hot. And humid. I like it. I felt pretty springy so I decided to just sit back and roll with my legs. The course is basically a two out and back with a loop in between that you repeat twice. Sounds confusing, I know, but it was AWESOME. It was a really good chance to be surrounded by spectators. I got to see Julie and her hubs Dan several times. Along with so many friends. Also, it was great to see the other people racing so much. Very very good course! Around mile 6 I was starting to fade a little bit, so with a little self pep talk on how I would only need to suffer another hour, I tried to pick up the pace. At about mile 9 I knew I had to pee and couldn’t hold it any more, so I “stretched” in a squat behind an aid station. OMFG. I had some bad monkey butt and didn’t realize until I pee’d. Yeeooouuuch!
Right after that Julie jogged up next to me, beer in hand, and encouraged me. So jealous. No more beer for me :sigh:
Soon, I was curving home onto the coolest finish chute. The chute had sunflowers down it, and a bright yellow carpet- just follow the yellow brick road! I finished and was stoked. Then a lady said, make sure you get your finisher’s medal from this lady- CHRISSIE WELLINGTON! Chrissie Freaking Wellington put my finisher’s medal on me, and HUGGED ME for a photo. Thus, fully accomplishing ALL of the day’s goals. I almost started crying!
And, after walking around a bit with Julie, we found Chrissie signing autographs and taking pictures. Of course, we stepped up. She signed my finisher’s medal. YAY!
All in all, I had an awesome race, only 6 min off of my PR from 2007. I’m very happy. I got to meet lots of Texas Gorillas (they’re awesome!) Also, the course and race directors were amazing. Great job to those guys.
Oh, I still haven't done a recap from the KC Triathlon. I will soon, promise.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Race ready!
IM KS 70.3 is tomorrow! I feel good! Let's race!
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm healing!
So busy at work, haven't had time to blog. Finger is healing!
Ks 70.3 is this weekend- it's not the race I was hoping for, but there
will be other races. As you can see, my perspective on things have
changed a smidge. I'm excited to have a terrific time. I have two
objectives: finish and have FUN. I'm also pumped to meet my southern
Gorilla teammates! Go Gorillas!
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Friday, May 29, 2009
Polycellular Granuloma
I've been quite on the blog front for a while, mostly do to time. But,
I've also had a scary tumor type thing on my hand, which has had me
totally freaked out. Well, no worries, I had it surgically removed
today. So, here's the below and after.
I've also had a scary tumor type thing on my hand, which has had me
totally freaked out. Well, no worries, I had it surgically removed
today. So, here's the below and after.
Queasy stomach? Sorry. You should skip this post.
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
How to Recieve an Immediate DUI
When you tip the breathalyzer like a bottle, you know you're phucked.
What I'm Doing.
Over the weekend I worked A LOT. Then I painted a bedroom, moved upstairs furniture down stairs (by myself), steam cleaned and vacummed everything.
Apparently, this managed to twist, torque, pinch and pull something in my back. So, I'm taking it easy. I had a really great 10 days of training prior to that, so I'm a little frustrated. I'm going to give swimming a try this evening, and if it's ok, run after.
5 full weeks left until Kansas 70.3. I've got half of that until my season opener olympic. I'm not really feeling as prepared as I should, but my coach keeps writing awesome workouts, it's just a matter of me getting them in.
We'll see how things work out. Doing all I can with what I can, when I can.
Apparently, this managed to twist, torque, pinch and pull something in my back. So, I'm taking it easy. I had a really great 10 days of training prior to that, so I'm a little frustrated. I'm going to give swimming a try this evening, and if it's ok, run after.
5 full weeks left until Kansas 70.3. I've got half of that until my season opener olympic. I'm not really feeling as prepared as I should, but my coach keeps writing awesome workouts, it's just a matter of me getting them in.
We'll see how things work out. Doing all I can with what I can, when I can.
Now Hiring!
I'm hiring Lifeguards and Swim Lessons instructors. Prior and current certifications preferred, but will train.
Hiring for Brookside and east Downtown locations.
Hiring for Brookside and east Downtown locations.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Manicures and bike work.
Don't really mix. Just cuz I sport diamonds and French tips doesn't mean
I can't reset my groupo and derailleurs. Right?
I can't reset my groupo and derailleurs. Right?
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Me? On TV?
So, I guess I'm going to get my 15 seconds of fame Monday. I'm doing a spot on KCTV News between 5am and 8am on the bennefits of swimming for children. Exciting, eh? So if you're one of the two million people in the metro, tune on in.
Dammit. I guess I better wax my eyebrows and fill my nails, eh?
Dammit. I guess I better wax my eyebrows and fill my nails, eh?
Still Truckin
Yeah yeah yeah. I'm alive. I've been incredibly busy with work. Then got sick. So, I took a couple weeks off of training. It was ridiculously stupid. I could have taken off only half the time, but oh well. I've been training hard since last week again. Looking forward to a ride with Andrea tomorrow. First time we've rode together since 2006. I'm sure she'll put a hurtin' on me, but that will be okay. We have all morning to hurt. We both have 3:30 in the saddle to accomplish, so it's nice to pair up with someone.
I've made some changes to this year's racing schedule. No Redman, probably no Steelhead. But I'm adding in a Two Mile Open water race in August. I've never done and OWS race as a stand alone, and the winner gets a kayak. Sooo, I'm going to try to go somewhere near the 50 min mark. I'm not sure if breaking 50 is a possibility, but I'll give it ago.
Other than that, I'll do a couple extra local races. I will give it my all, and try to be a short distance racer when it comes to triathlons the last half of the summer. We'll see where it takes me. Like Coach Lady said, "It might not be what you really want to do, but that doesn't mean you get to half ass it."
Well said.
I've made some changes to this year's racing schedule. No Redman, probably no Steelhead. But I'm adding in a Two Mile Open water race in August. I've never done and OWS race as a stand alone, and the winner gets a kayak. Sooo, I'm going to try to go somewhere near the 50 min mark. I'm not sure if breaking 50 is a possibility, but I'll give it ago.
Other than that, I'll do a couple extra local races. I will give it my all, and try to be a short distance racer when it comes to triathlons the last half of the summer. We'll see where it takes me. Like Coach Lady said, "It might not be what you really want to do, but that doesn't mean you get to half ass it."
Well said.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Playlist Update
I've been in a different mood lately. Pms, likely, but the Twilight soundtrack is so sweet and amazing, it makes me want to snuggle my hubby. :)
So, I've added that.
Songs 42-53 are the Twilight soundtrack, plus one, Claire de Lune by Debussy. It's in the movie and I had to add it.
Oh, and Rob Pattinson has his first recorded song- number 51 (Never Think) and MAN does it tug at your heart.
So, I've added that.
Songs 42-53 are the Twilight soundtrack, plus one, Claire de Lune by Debussy. It's in the movie and I had to add it.
Oh, and Rob Pattinson has his first recorded song- number 51 (Never Think) and MAN does it tug at your heart.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I've Been Bitten
If you are friends with me on facebook/twitter, then you know there's some WRONG with me.
Last week a rented a handful of movies from Redbox, all of them I had heard at one point that they were GOOD, but I didn't think I'd ever watch them all. Wednesday I left work early and went home to get some work done around the house. I walked thru the door, and dropped my purse on the table. The contents of course made it unstable, and everything spilled out, including my now over due movies. Damn, I thought to myself, those need to go back. Oh, well, hey, here's the one I haven't watched. Might as well get my money's worth... I put the DVD in the player, and climbed on the couch.
Two hours later, I sat, open jawed and wide eyed. I blinked at the tv screen a few times, digesting the movie. Then I went thru the special features. OMG. To hell with it. I started the movie again.
I've been gushing since then to everyone who will listen about this movie. And those that will even pretend to listen. Then, my sister in law, an author in LA, sent me this link. The, um, stolen book.
I keep hearing that the set- four published books in all, with the "half book," are even better than the movie. I'm not going to try to go buy just one, so later this week I'll go get the whole set. ... I should probably call and reserve one...
Last night, I was again spewing the obsessiveness to the latest victim, Chrissychriserton. "I know, I know. It sounds like some dumb teenage highschool vampire story. Lame, I know, but I can't even put into words how amazing this storyline is. The movie is phenomanal and the book that I read is unbelievable (and I read ALOT). I can't wait to read them all, and I already have the date for the next movie." Chrissychristerton agree to re-rent the movie last night.
I turned to her, at the end of the movie, and saw the look on her face, the same as mine just three days prior.
She turned to me, "Play it again. Twilight is the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life."
All I had to do was press Play.
Last week a rented a handful of movies from Redbox, all of them I had heard at one point that they were GOOD, but I didn't think I'd ever watch them all. Wednesday I left work early and went home to get some work done around the house. I walked thru the door, and dropped my purse on the table. The contents of course made it unstable, and everything spilled out, including my now over due movies. Damn, I thought to myself, those need to go back. Oh, well, hey, here's the one I haven't watched. Might as well get my money's worth... I put the DVD in the player, and climbed on the couch.
Two hours later, I sat, open jawed and wide eyed. I blinked at the tv screen a few times, digesting the movie. Then I went thru the special features. OMG. To hell with it. I started the movie again.
I've been gushing since then to everyone who will listen about this movie. And those that will even pretend to listen. Then, my sister in law, an author in LA, sent me this link. The, um, stolen book.
I keep hearing that the set- four published books in all, with the "half book," are even better than the movie. I'm not going to try to go buy just one, so later this week I'll go get the whole set. ... I should probably call and reserve one...

Last night, I was again spewing the obsessiveness to the latest victim, Chrissychriserton. "I know, I know. It sounds like some dumb teenage highschool vampire story. Lame, I know, but I can't even put into words how amazing this storyline is. The movie is phenomanal and the book that I read is unbelievable (and I read ALOT). I can't wait to read them all, and I already have the date for the next movie." Chrissychristerton agree to re-rent the movie last night.
I turned to her, at the end of the movie, and saw the look on her face, the same as mine just three days prior.
She turned to me, "Play it again. Twilight is the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life."
All I had to do was press Play.
Friday, March 27, 2009
No Baby Bug Yet
But this was absolutely freaking hilarious.
Basically, this blog calls out all the parents that I think should have had to pass a test in order to give birth.
Basically, this blog calls out all the parents that I think should have had to pass a test in order to give birth.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
There Will Be No Ironman in 2009
They couldn't pick a better time as that in life.
It ain't too early and it ain't too late.
Startin' as a farmer with a brand new wife.
Count me out. Cross me off. Take me off the roster. After much deliberating over the last few weeks, I've decided to removed Redman from my schedule this year. I started a new job in November as an aquatics director for two pools run by one of the largests associations in the country, and my work load has increased exponentially. From what I hear, it only gets worse. I have had some great training from January until the middle of March, when spring swim lessons picked up. In eight days I logged 68 hours on the clock, not including my commute. That's a lot of time taken away from my home, husband, and animals, let alone my training responsibilities. I've not been one to half ass things, and I have a true respect for the distance. I've done an iron distance event to finish one, and now I want to compete in one. If I'm not fully into the training, the recovery, and the nutrition both mentally and physically, I will not have a likely chance at meeting my goals.
This would be an expensive trip to set myself up for failure.
As we have all seen in the economy recently, our expendable income has become tucked neatly under our pillowcases. It makes it all the more harder to justify an expense at which I may not even make the starting line.
Instead, I am going to focus on a local olympic distance race, Kansas 70.3, and Steelhead 70.3. I will add in some August/September local sprints to keep myself occupied, and I am still planning to persue the Kansas City marathon in October.
As coach lady told me, "Going half the distance doesn't make it half as challenging."
I'm still determined to make this my best season yet.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Let the Kids Ride
Click here to see how this ban is affecting our kids!
New Lead Ban Legislation Drastically Affects Motorcycle Industry
bayodome Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 6,658 views
Rumors and speculation have been flying around for a few days now on a law that could affect small motorcycles considerably. As of yesterday, those rumors were confirmed in the form of a new policy that falls under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The policy is a restriction on lead found in children’s toys and products.
According to the policy, put together by the Consumer Product Safety Commision (CPSC), any product intended for children with lead at more than 600ppm is hereby banned from retail. The intention is to minimize the possibility of children ingesting trace amounts of lead that can be found in small products such as toy cars, as children have the tendency to put things in their mouths. Although the target was small products, the blanket clause states that any product, large or small, intended for children is now banned. Minibikes have traditionally been marketed towards children 12 and under, so they unfortunately fall into the larger category, despite not being toys. All motorcycles have certain amounts of lead that can be found in everything from the aluminum in various parts, to the engine cases and wiring.
What does this mean? According to a Honda spokesperson, they are advising all of their dealers to no longer sell any inventoried CRF50s, CRF70s, and CRF80s. As this point one can assume the other manufacturers are taking similar actions. Bear in mind, this is not a permanent solution and is essentially precautionary at the moment, but it could certainly have a long standing effect on the motorcycle industry as a whole. After all, many dealerships greatly depend on minibike sales in good times and bad. As the details of this ban filter in we will do our best to keep the motocross community informed.
In the meantime, to read about the CPSC policy enacted on February 10th, click here.
There is also a waiver fighting to keep motorycles from falling under this policy which can be found at

New Lead Ban Legislation Drastically Affects Motorcycle Industry
bayodome Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 6,658 views
Rumors and speculation have been flying around for a few days now on a law that could affect small motorcycles considerably. As of yesterday, those rumors were confirmed in the form of a new policy that falls under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The policy is a restriction on lead found in children’s toys and products.
According to the policy, put together by the Consumer Product Safety Commision (CPSC), any product intended for children with lead at more than 600ppm is hereby banned from retail. The intention is to minimize the possibility of children ingesting trace amounts of lead that can be found in small products such as toy cars, as children have the tendency to put things in their mouths. Although the target was small products, the blanket clause states that any product, large or small, intended for children is now banned. Minibikes have traditionally been marketed towards children 12 and under, so they unfortunately fall into the larger category, despite not being toys. All motorcycles have certain amounts of lead that can be found in everything from the aluminum in various parts, to the engine cases and wiring.
What does this mean? According to a Honda spokesperson, they are advising all of their dealers to no longer sell any inventoried CRF50s, CRF70s, and CRF80s. As this point one can assume the other manufacturers are taking similar actions. Bear in mind, this is not a permanent solution and is essentially precautionary at the moment, but it could certainly have a long standing effect on the motorcycle industry as a whole. After all, many dealerships greatly depend on minibike sales in good times and bad. As the details of this ban filter in we will do our best to keep the motocross community informed.
In the meantime, to read about the CPSC policy enacted on February 10th, click here.
There is also a waiver fighting to keep motorycles from falling under this policy which can be found at

Friday, March 13, 2009
Warning for dog owners!
If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed' category and you also have a small child please take this as a warning. Don't leave your dog with the child unattended under any circumstances. Only a little moment was enough for the following to happen. See the photo ....
(Courtesy LawGalKC)
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Super Swim Set
Well, it wasn't 9000 yards or anything ridiculous like that. But DDAAYYYUM GINA, this was hard.
The grand total is actually only 2600 yards, with only 2000 of those being fast. ...
400 warm-up2 x 1000 time trial, 2 minutes rest between200 cool-down
a. 1000 13:26 (1:20.36 av) b. 1000 14:27 (1:26.42 av)
As you can see, the first one I went pretty damn hard on. I wasnt close to recovered for the second 1000. I negative split the second one as a started feeling better again somewhere around the 500 mark. WOW. I think my arms may fall off tonight after the bike/yoga sesh. (Yes, I said yoga, only I'm doing it at home on my own this time. I found an old Yoga DVD that I have never used before, so I'm going to give it a try.)
(Thank God for Tuesday Rest Days)
The grand total is actually only 2600 yards, with only 2000 of those being fast. ...
400 warm-up2 x 1000 time trial, 2 minutes rest between200 cool-down
a. 1000 13:26 (1:20.36 av) b. 1000 14:27 (1:26.42 av)
As you can see, the first one I went pretty damn hard on. I wasnt close to recovered for the second 1000. I negative split the second one as a started feeling better again somewhere around the 500 mark. WOW. I think my arms may fall off tonight after the bike/yoga sesh. (Yes, I said yoga, only I'm doing it at home on my own this time. I found an old Yoga DVD that I have never used before, so I'm going to give it a try.)
(Thank God for Tuesday Rest Days)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday- Sunday
Swam 3000 yards. Bike 2:30 in pure wind hell- truthfully, it was fun. I got to ride outside for the first time this year. Run 3:00 total time.
Three days in a row of outdoor workouts accomplished. Yes, did you see that? OUTDOOR. Either I'm a hardass, or I'm an idiot. But I rode outdoors for the first time this spring on Saturday. In near gail force winds. But, even though it was a struggle the whole time, I really enjoyed myself. Once back at the house, I had a 2 mile run. That hurt. I ran Friday evening without socks, which left a couple yicky blisters that were far from healed.
I then spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Grandma- did a little Bass Pro Shop wandering, made fondue, drank some wine, and giggled a lot. Great day.
Then all night I spent pulling pillows over my head to drown out the thunderstorms, hail, and the weather radio which thought it would be fun to go off every 90min to alert me of a tornado watch three counties away.
This morning I woke a little less fresh than I wanted to, and continued to listen to the rain and wind. Ugh. I was not looking forward to today's long run. Usually I like to get up and get things over with by breakfast.. err.. lunch. Instead, I tried my hand at some patience, which allowed me to get out the door at 5:00pm. I ran until just before sunset- yay for Daylight Savings. The wind died down shortly before 5pm, and the clouds began to dispearse. Longest run of the season- accomplished.
Now I sit watching Russell Brand, whom I find high-larious, chit chat away on how he got screwed at the MTV VMA's. The pups are napping- one on the couch and one in front of the door as if he's a draft block.
Tomorrow's another doozy- stretch-swim-bike. Swim is actually a main set of 2 x 1000 time trial. I have to admit I've been swimming very well lately, and this will be a true test. Yikes. I'm actually nervous about a workout- swim of all things.
Tueday's a rest day- it's much needed. Must be a good week of workouts when you're counting down to rest day.
Swam 3000 yards. Bike 2:30 in pure wind hell- truthfully, it was fun. I got to ride outside for the first time this year. Run 3:00 total time.
Three days in a row of outdoor workouts accomplished. Yes, did you see that? OUTDOOR. Either I'm a hardass, or I'm an idiot. But I rode outdoors for the first time this spring on Saturday. In near gail force winds. But, even though it was a struggle the whole time, I really enjoyed myself. Once back at the house, I had a 2 mile run. That hurt. I ran Friday evening without socks, which left a couple yicky blisters that were far from healed.
I then spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Grandma- did a little Bass Pro Shop wandering, made fondue, drank some wine, and giggled a lot. Great day.
Then all night I spent pulling pillows over my head to drown out the thunderstorms, hail, and the weather radio which thought it would be fun to go off every 90min to alert me of a tornado watch three counties away.
This morning I woke a little less fresh than I wanted to, and continued to listen to the rain and wind. Ugh. I was not looking forward to today's long run. Usually I like to get up and get things over with by breakfast.. err.. lunch. Instead, I tried my hand at some patience, which allowed me to get out the door at 5:00pm. I ran until just before sunset- yay for Daylight Savings. The wind died down shortly before 5pm, and the clouds began to dispearse. Longest run of the season- accomplished.
Now I sit watching Russell Brand, whom I find high-larious, chit chat away on how he got screwed at the MTV VMA's. The pups are napping- one on the couch and one in front of the door as if he's a draft block.
Tomorrow's another doozy- stretch-swim-bike. Swim is actually a main set of 2 x 1000 time trial. I have to admit I've been swimming very well lately, and this will be a true test. Yikes. I'm actually nervous about a workout- swim of all things.
Tueday's a rest day- it's much needed. Must be a good week of workouts when you're counting down to rest day.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
You're a Yogie.

Mondays and Thursdays workout schedules usually invovle something along the lines of deep stretching or yoga.
Pff.. Yoga.
I ALWAYS picture Yoda eating yogurt when I hear the word yoga. I dont know why.
Well, today, I had some time in my 11 hour workshift, and decided to catch an 11 am yoga class.
The class had a lot of sitting in it. And some breathing. Some strange poses with some strange names. I wouldn't say it did any aligning of my Chi or left me feeling at one with my inner self. It was, however, something different out of the norm. So, since my March work schedule leaves my Thursdays pulling long hours, I have decided that I'm going to take the one hour a week and do the damn thing.
Even if I never realize my inner calm, it's something outside of the swim-bike-run-lift I see daily.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Test of a Wife
So, being this site is the Triathlete Bride, I found this quiz amusing.
Apparently, I suck as a housewife. Good thing I have that old 60 hr a week job and 15 hrs of training to keep me away from home. Crap... do you think that's why I suck? Sorry Husband!
0-24 - Very Poor (Failure)
25-41 - Poor
42-58 - Average
59-75 - Superior
76+ - Very Superior
Apparently, I suck as a housewife. Good thing I have that old 60 hr a week job and 15 hrs of training to keep me away from home. Crap... do you think that's why I suck? Sorry Husband!
![]() | 10 As a 1930s wife, I am |
0-24 - Very Poor (Failure)
25-41 - Poor
42-58 - Average
59-75 - Superior
76+ - Very Superior
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