Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I'm a Mrs.!

I am employed! (Well, I start Friday!) It's a job I want! Like, ya know, something I *want* to do! And it's in health, sports, and fitness!!

I start winter spin training and lifting shortly!


Oh, Here's a couple teaser pics from the wedding.

It. Was. Ahhhhwwwsome. ...and Mexico was equally amazing.


Anonymous said...

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BreeWee said...

LOVE the photos, looks like a fun day. A bit of adventure in there rather than the white dress black tux... LOVE IT! Hope the life of a wife is off to an incredible start!!

Andrea said...

What is your new job??? Where is it? What are you doing?

tri2fnsh said...

Awesome to hear that you found a job, and the wedding looks like it was gorgeous - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Can't wait to read about your new gig!