It's the first Friday of the month. And, it's random.
-I had free Chick-Fil-A today. Got a coupon via email and chowed down. pretty much the entire YMCA, plus the city went. it. was. awesome.
-I've been kicking myself for not going to watch the KC tri two weeks ago. It was pretty much in my back yard, I even got up in time to go, but I let husband talk me into getting back in bed. That was nice, but I've been jonesin' for some triathlon. Sooo, I'm planning to go to Larryville to watch KS 70.3 on Sunday. It's a great local (while 90 min for me!) race, and I love to watch the pros. Supposedly Chris Leito and Chrissie Wellington are on the starting line up, but I thought Chrissie was injured. Not sure though.

-Flossy-lassi just dared me to cheer in a bikini on Sunday. I just might. ha!
-Last weekend Smashley and I bought a kiddie pool at wal-mart. It didn't fit in the Jetta, so it went ON the jetta. We drove 5 mph the whole way home. It took about 20 min. I love my kiddie pool.

-I truly dislike anything bar-be-que. I know, blasphemy. Just because I'm from Kansas City, it doesn't mean I have to love the stuff. However, husband dearest smoked ribs on the grill last Sunday, and they were the greatest thing ever.
-This week and next are my busiest weeks of the summer. Well, they lead into it, anyway. So many (work) activities.
-Yep still pregnant. Belly button still in. Legs are not swelling too visably.
-I got the pictures from the Cupcake Baby Shower. Cutest shower ever. EVER. No, I said EVER. I mean it.

-I have a cold. It's my father's fault. At least, that's who I'm gonna blame. Nothing sucks worse than having a cold in 90+ degree heat. Wait, having a cold in 90+ degree heat at about 8 months pregnant sucks worse.
-Did I mention how jealous I am of everyone racing KS? Even more jealous of everyone racing Branson. That's gonna be an awesome race.
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