Sooo, I've been running more lately. And, ya know what? It's great! I ran/walked (ran for the first time in weeks) in a 10k last weekend. It was freaking freezing and raining and totally unpleasant. I kept thinking "This is fun, right?" But it really wasn't. Good thing misery loves company. My friend Jean kept me going, although she was just as cold and wet and miserable. This was a trashbag race, much like the Lincoln 007 half (read about that peach of a race Here and Here). What a great day to be undertrained, pregnant, and running a 10k. As you can see, I was quite excited. ---->

I did have a kind of funny shirt that said something to the effect of "baby's first 10k" and "Yes, it's safe to run" but really I don't think it was that funny or that clever, but it's what I had to work with.
Bottom line, I "ran" a 10k 6 months pregnant.
Twice this week, however, husband and I ventured out to get in a few miles. Once with the dogs thru the new subdivision for a whopping 2.18 miles. Then last night, at one of my particular favorites, the Jacomo trails. He took the mountain bike and I hoofed it. No bike for me. L--aaa--mm-e. Anyway, I got in over 3 and was happy with that. It seems strange and trivial to run for 3 miles. Like, why's it worth the effort? But, then I tell myself I'm not training for an Ironman, or even a half mary, but just for my general health and labor, and for the health of little Eli (yes, the parasite in my body has a name now).
We had a good workout each, and came home to grill out some delicious chicken and potatoes. Awesome.
Not exactly the stress free week I was hoping for, but it's Friday and it is what it is. At least I have two consecutive days off starting tomorrow.
I'm not sure why, but everytime I think to myself about it being Friday, I always think of the movie Friday, and this line:
"I know you don't smoke weed, I know this; but I'm gonna get you high today, 'cause it's Friday; you ain't got no job... and you ain't got shit to do."

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