Ok, so CornDog (my iron partner in crime for 2009) and I have decided on an ironman. It's not an Ironman event, per se, but it's an iron distance. There's a bunch of pros and cons for the event, especially for Corey, as this will be his first trist in the the land of all things Iron. Actually, this will be his first venture into the land of triathlon. No, RedMan won't be his first tri, believe me, Coach Corky will get him some experience. And it's not like he's a total newbie- he's one of *those* people. Those 100 mile rides for the helluvit and 12 mile runs in 100 minutes just because he can. Yeah, *one of those.*
Anyway, here's some of the cons:
-Not the big fancy schmancy hoorah of the Ironman Trademark events
-Not 2200 other athletes to keep you motivated
-Not somewhere exotic like Florida, or Cananada, or Cancun
Ok, I know there's more, but since I'm stoked about RedMan, I'm seeing all the pros:
-It's in Oklahoma City, which is driving distance, and not the drive all freaking day driving distance, but get up and leave in the morning, be there by the time check in opens driving distance
- After reviewing a few year's worth of results, I see that I could very possibly place top 3 in my age group, instead of 12 like at Florida last year
-The Cheapest entry fee for any Iron distance in North America, and you can enter up until like July, or something like that
-The race date. Late September is decent weather, and weather similar to what I will train in. This also means that my season won't last from April to November, unless I decide to do the ChiTown marathon or something else to that effect
So, there you have it.
RedMan, it is.
Redman IS great! We had a blast this year. Yes, the IM field is small and I would imagine at times, pretty lonely. This year the weather was great but I spoke with a volunteer that told me that it's usually VERY windy. There is hardly any shade - none on the bike and hardly any on the run. It was 83 when we ran the 1/2 but it felt like 95!
PROS: The volunteers are great! The aide stations are great! The organizers are great! The course is FLAT! FLAT! FLAT!
I think you will really enjoy it! can't wait to watch you on the journey once again.
THAT is super, the whole LONG DISTANCE triathlon is for the journey anyway! So, now you have a journey and Redman will be the celebration!
LOVE it! way to sign up...
Alright now that Corey is nutting up too it's about time I stop the woulda, coulda, shouldas. Stay tuned for my IM plans in 2010 :)
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