Monday, January 12, 2009

Listen Up!

As you may have noticed, I've made some cha-cha-chaaangges to the blog. I decided a re-vamped look for 2009 is in order. So, I'll try to stick to this for a while, or until I get really tired of looking at it.

One of the new items is a playlist. I'll continue to update this, but as I think of new workout songs, I'll add them to the list here. It's pretty much the stuff I'm adding to my iPod.

If you get tired of hearing it, all you have to do is hit the "Pause" or stop buttons. I make no concessions for my choices in music. They cuss, scream, and wail. Consider yourself warned.

Oh, and if you're at work and playlists are blocked, then check them out at home.

Crank the volume to 11.

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