October 17, 2009
Poor poor Husband. He really thought I was kidding when I said we had to leave the house at 5:15am. Poor poor dog. He didn't know he wasn't going to dog park.
About 6:00am the Husband, Zeus dog, and I rolled into the parking lot on the south end of Crown Center. Here we were. Marathon day. In the rain. And cold. BUT! The temperatures were over 40, and I couldn't have been happier.
Before I found my pace group, I hung out with Merple and the blue beast for a bit. I wanted to stay in warm dry clothes as long as possible.
Zeus, however, was getting hugged loved and snuggle by triplet three year olds and their two older brothers. Nothing like seeing a hulking 110 + lbs cane corso getting mauled by a handful of toddlers.
Before taking off, Husband snapped a couple pictures of me, and gave me my throw-away DFT jacket. Throw-away jackets are the world's best invention. Seriously. They're like trash bags, shaped like coats, with a zipper. Genius.
I started the race with the 5:20 pace group. The pace band Julie gave me was for 5:25. I felt really confident in this time (oops! Except I only ran three times in as many weeks leading up to the race!).
I talked with a lady there quite a bit, and we ran together for a long time. Here's the course map to follow along the recap!
The course started at Crown Center, went north a long Power & light and Sprint Center, cut west where Andrea came up behind me (she was running the 5k), and then went back south. When we went under bartle hall, i lost signal on my Garmin. I looked down and saw the time stopped, then forgot to start it back up again. Duh. The rest of the race I had to add 6 minutes and .5 miles to the calculations. Stupid bridges.
As we were passing mile three (I think) the lady next to me told me to "Check out that dog!" It
This is when I should mention I ran in a running skirt. I've only worn it twice to run, but I pulled it on over a pair of tri shorts. I figured my ass could use the extra layer.
The course went south up this long hill by the Liberty Memorial. Loooong steeep hill. I started feeling like my bladder was full, and needed to pee- already! So, I kicked ahead of the pace group to potty at like mile 4, which was right out of the Liberty Memorial out-and-back. The line was ssoooo long. I decided I'd keep going. I spotted an Wendy's about a mile later.
I went in and line was about four women deep. I considered using the men's, until the grossest, biggest, greasiest man waddled out. He must have dropped a deuce the size of Raytown, because I, with my gag reflexes of steel, started feeling nauseated.
**Speaking of deuces: Friday morning I had a luncheon at one of my favorite restaurants. I had some salmon and cheesy rice. I'm not sure if the rice had something in it with gluten, or if my stomach was just not tolerating sustenance, but I had awful diarrhea. It lasted all afternoon, and until about 2am. I couldn't poop in the morning before the race, so I started with poo in bowels and completely dehydrated.**
I waited at the Wendy's for seven minutes. After I pee'd my bladder felt so deflated. I could drink and take in fluid again! Yay! But now, I was way behind my pace group. For whatever reason, I let me legs get WAY out from under me. I was hauling ass to catch up, for no real reason! I still had about 20 miles to go! Yet, I got back seven minutes in about 2.5 miles. Which meant I was basically running at 5k pace. I'm an idiot.
I felt really great and was still with the pace group at mile 10, where I saw Julie being a very up beat spectator. She had planned on running KC. But she raced Chicago the weekend before. I still think she should have done both. ha!

Mile 11 marks the start of the big climb- Sunset Dr. If you're familiar with Kansas City, and the ritz-tastic plaza, then you know the fancy-schmancy Sunset Dr. area. If not, check this out. This place has been for sale for a couple months, and I want it. You should buy it for me. Yes, that is a 25 yard infinity edge lap pool in the back. The homes on this street are freaking ridiculous. They are some of the best in KC. Even Ward Parkway, which we also visited, can't touch the Sunset Dr. homes.
Just after the peak of Sunset, is Loose Park. It's a staple for the Urbanites and Yoga-in-the-park people. Right at the top of Loose Park was my favorite band on the route (yes, there were bands along the route!). A Rastafarian reggae band! They were so good! Anyone know who those guys were? I want to see them play.
I started to loose footing on my pace group going up Sunset, and I could just see them in the distance at this point. However, I was now following a 5:20 pace band from the pace leader, and I was only 40 seconds off the cumulative time.
Now, I'm pretty sure I saw Julie on 75th street, by the brewery, but I don't remember. Somewhere around here she said she would see me at the 20 mile mark, but I couldn't tell you where.
In the Wornall-Brookside Blvd area I saw a handful of spectators I know. Thanks everyone!
I finally made it back to mile 20. We passed this on the way out. It was mile 8.5 for me, and the lead men were going past 20. Pff. If I were Kenyan I'd be fast too.
Here's where I was starting to hurt. I needed to poop, bad, and my knees were toast. My left foot started to throb along with my ankle at about mile 15, but it was tolerable. I had two emergency Tylenol that I took at the mile marker 20 aide station. I saw Julie and told her my stomach was acting up. I went in to poop, and of course, the seat was a mess, and there was no toilet paper. My gloves would have to do. The worst part was squatting. I thought my knees would explode and that I wouldn't be able to stand.
I felt much better, and Julie said she had talked to Husband. Apparently, he took the dog home, got a shower, had some lunch, and was driving back. Gawd, I'm so slow.
Somewhere about the infamous mile 18 I started to fall apart. I was taking longer walking breaks thru the aid stations, and was falling farther and farther off pace. I gave myself a pep talk here at 20, and was convinced it was now just a 10k. How many 10k's have I ran? Probably a hundred!
That didn't last too long, and I started doing run five minutes, walk two, plus the aid stations. There's several decent ascents in Hyde Park and the Paseo, which I struggled with.
I cop holding traffic asked me how I was feeling just before turning onto 18th St. "Like I'm at mile 24 of a marathon."
My foot really really hurt, and I was sluggish, but there was GREAT jazz coming off 18th and Vine and I was headed down the home stretch. The last two miles are flat to down hill, and I was trucking along (aka, moving at 13:55 min/miles).
I was so happy to turn down 18th cruising past the coffee houses and bicycle shop. So close!
I finished the race in 5:51.42. It was about 25 min off my goal time, but you can't be mad when you finish a marathon. It was also 13 min faster than my IMFL marathon split, which to date, is my only other marathon.
Next up, Gasprilla Distance Classic in Tampa Bay, FL. I'm not sold on the marathon yet. That's what I'm thinking, but I'm not positive. Mom's says she's going to do the half. I sent her a training schedule and she didn't respond. Hope I didn't scare the poop outta her!
We'll see if I'm okay to start training in a couple weeks. I sorta kinda stress fractured my foot Saturday (that explains that ouch during the race), so I have boot on. We'll see how long that lasts. I want to be healed to train, but I hobble and look stupid.