... but not for Ironman.
I'm lucky enough to be taking a fabulous trip to the Big Island in September, for some friend's wedding.
But, I must admit something: I thought my first trip to HI would be with my bike en route to the World Championships. My excitement is stalled by how much I wish I was racing IM this year. And, how I wish I were racing IM Hawaii, not just stopping in as a tourist.
I sent a couple emails back and forth with the resident pro Bree about her hometown. She's promised me an OWS and I'm going to hold her to it. Also, I'll be just a month out from my open marathon, and training plans for that particular week look to include two 6 and one 12 mile runs. I'm hoping to pretend about an Ali'i Drive finish. Any chance there's a half marathon in Kona on September 12th? I'll have to look into it. (If i had planned better for my trip to MN over Memorial Day, I would have raced in the Stillwater MN half marathon.)
I don't think we're staying at the same resort as our friends, so I'm making some plans to ditch the hubs for 90 minutes a day to get in my workouts, and maybe get in a swim with Kona Masters, if they'll take me.
I'm trying to get myself psyched for the trip- I am really excited to go, but struggling with not be the terms I had planned. Plus, now after this trip, I have to convince the Hubs that we really will have enough money to make it to IM Cozumel in 2010 (which of course, the entry fee is due in November) to um, celebrate our anniversary (and race IM!).
In other news....
This whole gluten free thing is becoming less of a struggle, however, it's becoming increasingly difficult to stick to the Paleo plan. I had another allergic reaction over the weekend to something (oh, btw: I had an allergic reaction post IMKS 70.3 that put me in the ER). This one wasn't as bad, but made my lips poof out like I had Daisy of Love collagen lips. I also keep having crazy rashes. I've mostly determined that it's not actually allergies, but an auto-immune disease known as Celiacs. So, I suppose it's good I'm gluten free now. But, I still need to get the official tests done, and figure out what the hell is actually wrong with me.
The great thing is, I'm losing weight without too much effort. However, it's steadied off in the last week. The first 12.5lbs were a snap. I'd like to go another 20 of the L-Bs, but we'll see what happens.
It's not like I'm training for Ironman, as if I need another reminder.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ironman Kansas 70.3

Ironman Kansas 70.3
June 14, 2009
Goals: Finish. Have Fun. Touch Chrissie Wellington.
Saturday morning I worked. Same as everyday. Bike check in was also Saturday, which put a bit of time crunch on everything.
However, I made it out to Lawrence- Clinton Lake, in time to ride about 45min of the course (and go past Chrissie Wellington- totally almost crashed), and check my bike in. I met up with Shannan Garcia, another aquatics director, and we rode together. Then, we stood in the lllooong registration line. But, it wasn’t awful. Why? There was a live band playing. Just like Wildflower! I loved it.
After registration Shannan and I walked our bikes down to bike check in. This race was set up a lot differently than last year- two transition areas about a mile apart. The swim to bike TA was right next to the lake (duh). Before we could drop off our bikes, we had to get body marked. I despise night-before body marking, but whatever, I’m not the race director. The TA was tightly packed with about five rows set up in long columns to house the 2200 entries. Goldmember was snuggled up against several hot looking Cervelos, and I kissed him goodnight.
After bike check in, we trudged back up the hill to check out the bike to run TA. This one was much more spacious. We talked about driving the course, but it was already almost 6pm, and Shannan had to drive back to Olathe. I was lucky enough to be staying at my friend Jill’s house, and Julie was meeting me there to Sherpa me. Yay for Half Iron Sherpas.
Jules and I met up at Jill’s and decided to head out to dinner. Dinner is always an experience. Particularly since I am now eating Gluten free. I had shrimp and veggies, which were delish. I watched Julie take a couple bites out of the bread. She swears it wasn’t that good. I don’t believe her.
There were a few others in the restaurant that were racing on Sunday, but none of them were sporting the fancy schmancy compression socks I was. They. Are. Sexy.
After dinner we went back to Jill’s and I packed and repacked my now two transition bags. I was kind of frustrated. I have never felt so unprepared for a race. It was all mental. I’ve been working so much the race was really far off in my mind. When I packed items up for the weekend, I just walked around my house grabbing things and putting them in my bag. I’m glad I got the right stuff!
Jules and I snuggled up in bed- facing each other. Yes, like we are lovers. We totally are. I almost immediately fell asleep. Next thing I realized, the alarms were going off and it was go time!
This was my first race eating gluten free, so instead of a bagel, I ate an apple with natural peanut butter and a banana. Yum.
Sunday morning we arrived in the parking lot the same time as everyone else. So much for being early. It was very nice not having to walk my bike in from the parking lot, and the walk helped to um, loosen some stuff up, if you will.
When we made it to the main festival area, everything looked great. I got my run shoes and visor set up, then we proceeded down to the swim to bike TA. There was definitely a buzz in the air. A guy a few spots down kept asking everyone questions. I don’t know if this was his first race, or if he just had a lot of things to learn. I think it’s great to ask questions about the sport, but the morning of the race is not that time. I am antisocial in the TA. It’s part of my getting my game face on. At 6:20 a volunteer started walking thru the TA letting everyone know it was closing. Ahh! Time to scramble! I grabbed my wetsuit my father in law got me for Christmas (I love it!! It’s the Blue Seventy reaction sleeveless), some Chamois butter, swim cap and goggles. I made my way down to the swim start- very Wildflower-esq as well. The start is between some docks, and Mike Reilly was standing on one side getting everyone reved up. My waved started at 6:40, and had about 90 women in it. I like big swim waves. More feet to float off of!
Swim 1.2 Miles 33:36
I started at the front and inside- my favorite starting position. The sky was very overcast, and I was praying it wouldn’t start storming (IMKS 70.3 in 2008 a stormed brewed right at the finish- I was pulled off the run course with just a few more to go!). I felt really good thru the whole swim. I wasn’t real springy, but I felt good sighting. My one complaint with the swim was that I would like to see more big buoys. But, you get what you get and everyone is one the same course, right? Right. The water was dingy, big surprise for Kansas, huh? It got a little choppy on the way back, but the swim was over quick. Not my fastest time, but I was pleased.
T1 3:27
I completely took my time. It was starting to sprinkle and I knew it was gonna get nasty fast. I was slow and made sure I had everything I needed before hitting the course.
Bike 56 Miles 3:19.27
Right away there’s the gradual climb up to the festival area. Then a flat section, a couple ups and downs, the dam and smaller rollers with some fast sections. I felt like this year’s revised course was much easier than last years. However, after talking to several people, I figured out I’m just in better shape! It took me nearly 3:45 last year! Huge improvement. Saw my dad out on the course too, which was awesome. So glad he got to drive to Lawrence to see me zoom by for 20 seconds. I really was glad he made it out though! Dad was parked right by the last big hill headed back to the lake. I’m not sure what he said, but I think it was something along the lines of “It’s not a hill, it’s a hump.” Which made me laugh. I was bummed by having to stop to pee at mile 30, but it was better to stop for two minutes than waste 10 trying to pee on the bike. For the first three hours, we had cloudy skies, and sprinkles. Then, on the way back, I saw some blue sky start to perk up.
T2 1:58
Again, I wasn’t rushing, but I had a decent TA. I ran passed my slot because I was listening to how Chrissie Wellington went 4:14. Holy shiit that’s fast. Then I back tracked to my spot. Someone else had racked in it, so I had to return to favor to some poor person behind me. Sorry!
Run 13.1 Miles 2:47.33
Well, when I left the TA it was SUNNY. And hot. And humid. I like it. I felt pretty springy so I decided to just sit back and roll with my legs. The course is basically a two out and back with a loop in between that you repeat twice. Sounds confusing, I know, but it was AWESOME. It was a really good chance to be surrounded by spectators. I got to see Julie and her hubs Dan several times. Along with so many friends. Also, it was great to see the other people racing so much. Very very good course! Around mile 6 I was starting to fade a little bit, so with a little self pep talk on how I would only need to suffer another hour, I tried to pick up the pace. At about mile 9 I knew I had to pee and couldn’t hold it any more, so I “stretched” in a squat behind an aid station. OMFG. I had some bad monkey butt and didn’t realize until I pee’d. Yeeooouuuch!
Right after that Julie jogged up next to me, beer in hand, and encouraged me. So jealous. No more beer for me :sigh:
Soon, I was curving home onto the coolest finish chute. The chute had sunflowers down it, and a bright yellow carpet- just follow the yellow brick road! I finished and was stoked. Then a lady said, make sure you get your finisher’s medal from this lady- CHRISSIE WELLINGTON! Chrissie Freaking Wellington put my finisher’s medal on me, and HUGGED ME for a photo. Thus, fully accomplishing ALL of the day’s goals. I almost started crying!
And, after walking around a bit with Julie, we found Chrissie signing autographs and taking pictures. Of course, we stepped up. She signed my finisher’s medal. YAY!
All in all, I had an awesome race, only 6 min off of my PR from 2007. I’m very happy. I got to meet lots of Texas Gorillas (they’re awesome!) Also, the course and race directors were amazing. Great job to those guys.
June 14, 2009
Goals: Finish. Have Fun. Touch Chrissie Wellington.
Saturday morning I worked. Same as everyday. Bike check in was also Saturday, which put a bit of time crunch on everything.
However, I made it out to Lawrence- Clinton Lake, in time to ride about 45min of the course (and go past Chrissie Wellington- totally almost crashed), and check my bike in. I met up with Shannan Garcia, another aquatics director, and we rode together. Then, we stood in the lllooong registration line. But, it wasn’t awful. Why? There was a live band playing. Just like Wildflower! I loved it.
After registration Shannan and I walked our bikes down to bike check in. This race was set up a lot differently than last year- two transition areas about a mile apart. The swim to bike TA was right next to the lake (duh). Before we could drop off our bikes, we had to get body marked. I despise night-before body marking, but whatever, I’m not the race director. The TA was tightly packed with about five rows set up in long columns to house the 2200 entries. Goldmember was snuggled up against several hot looking Cervelos, and I kissed him goodnight.
After bike check in, we trudged back up the hill to check out the bike to run TA. This one was much more spacious. We talked about driving the course, but it was already almost 6pm, and Shannan had to drive back to Olathe. I was lucky enough to be staying at my friend Jill’s house, and Julie was meeting me there to Sherpa me. Yay for Half Iron Sherpas.
Jules and I met up at Jill’s and decided to head out to dinner. Dinner is always an experience. Particularly since I am now eating Gluten free. I had shrimp and veggies, which were delish. I watched Julie take a couple bites out of the bread. She swears it wasn’t that good. I don’t believe her.
There were a few others in the restaurant that were racing on Sunday, but none of them were sporting the fancy schmancy compression socks I was. They. Are. Sexy.
After dinner we went back to Jill’s and I packed and repacked my now two transition bags. I was kind of frustrated. I have never felt so unprepared for a race. It was all mental. I’ve been working so much the race was really far off in my mind. When I packed items up for the weekend, I just walked around my house grabbing things and putting them in my bag. I’m glad I got the right stuff!
Jules and I snuggled up in bed- facing each other. Yes, like we are lovers. We totally are. I almost immediately fell asleep. Next thing I realized, the alarms were going off and it was go time!
This was my first race eating gluten free, so instead of a bagel, I ate an apple with natural peanut butter and a banana. Yum.
Sunday morning we arrived in the parking lot the same time as everyone else. So much for being early. It was very nice not having to walk my bike in from the parking lot, and the walk helped to um, loosen some stuff up, if you will.
When we made it to the main festival area, everything looked great. I got my run shoes and visor set up, then we proceeded down to the swim to bike TA. There was definitely a buzz in the air. A guy a few spots down kept asking everyone questions. I don’t know if this was his first race, or if he just had a lot of things to learn. I think it’s great to ask questions about the sport, but the morning of the race is not that time. I am antisocial in the TA. It’s part of my getting my game face on. At 6:20 a volunteer started walking thru the TA letting everyone know it was closing. Ahh! Time to scramble! I grabbed my wetsuit my father in law got me for Christmas (I love it!! It’s the Blue Seventy reaction sleeveless), some Chamois butter, swim cap and goggles. I made my way down to the swim start- very Wildflower-esq as well. The start is between some docks, and Mike Reilly was standing on one side getting everyone reved up. My waved started at 6:40, and had about 90 women in it. I like big swim waves. More feet to float off of!
Swim 1.2 Miles 33:36
I started at the front and inside- my favorite starting position. The sky was very overcast, and I was praying it wouldn’t start storming (IMKS 70.3 in 2008 a stormed brewed right at the finish- I was pulled off the run course with just a few more to go!). I felt really good thru the whole swim. I wasn’t real springy, but I felt good sighting. My one complaint with the swim was that I would like to see more big buoys. But, you get what you get and everyone is one the same course, right? Right. The water was dingy, big surprise for Kansas, huh? It got a little choppy on the way back, but the swim was over quick. Not my fastest time, but I was pleased.
T1 3:27
I completely took my time. It was starting to sprinkle and I knew it was gonna get nasty fast. I was slow and made sure I had everything I needed before hitting the course.
Bike 56 Miles 3:19.27
Right away there’s the gradual climb up to the festival area. Then a flat section, a couple ups and downs, the dam and smaller rollers with some fast sections. I felt like this year’s revised course was much easier than last years. However, after talking to several people, I figured out I’m just in better shape! It took me nearly 3:45 last year! Huge improvement. Saw my dad out on the course too, which was awesome. So glad he got to drive to Lawrence to see me zoom by for 20 seconds. I really was glad he made it out though! Dad was parked right by the last big hill headed back to the lake. I’m not sure what he said, but I think it was something along the lines of “It’s not a hill, it’s a hump.” Which made me laugh. I was bummed by having to stop to pee at mile 30, but it was better to stop for two minutes than waste 10 trying to pee on the bike. For the first three hours, we had cloudy skies, and sprinkles. Then, on the way back, I saw some blue sky start to perk up.
T2 1:58
Again, I wasn’t rushing, but I had a decent TA. I ran passed my slot because I was listening to how Chrissie Wellington went 4:14. Holy shiit that’s fast. Then I back tracked to my spot. Someone else had racked in it, so I had to return to favor to some poor person behind me. Sorry!
Run 13.1 Miles 2:47.33
Well, when I left the TA it was SUNNY. And hot. And humid. I like it. I felt pretty springy so I decided to just sit back and roll with my legs. The course is basically a two out and back with a loop in between that you repeat twice. Sounds confusing, I know, but it was AWESOME. It was a really good chance to be surrounded by spectators. I got to see Julie and her hubs Dan several times. Along with so many friends. Also, it was great to see the other people racing so much. Very very good course! Around mile 6 I was starting to fade a little bit, so with a little self pep talk on how I would only need to suffer another hour, I tried to pick up the pace. At about mile 9 I knew I had to pee and couldn’t hold it any more, so I “stretched” in a squat behind an aid station. OMFG. I had some bad monkey butt and didn’t realize until I pee’d. Yeeooouuuch!
Right after that Julie jogged up next to me, beer in hand, and encouraged me. So jealous. No more beer for me :sigh:
Soon, I was curving home onto the coolest finish chute. The chute had sunflowers down it, and a bright yellow carpet- just follow the yellow brick road! I finished and was stoked. Then a lady said, make sure you get your finisher’s medal from this lady- CHRISSIE WELLINGTON! Chrissie Freaking Wellington put my finisher’s medal on me, and HUGGED ME for a photo. Thus, fully accomplishing ALL of the day’s goals. I almost started crying!
And, after walking around a bit with Julie, we found Chrissie signing autographs and taking pictures. Of course, we stepped up. She signed my finisher’s medal. YAY!
All in all, I had an awesome race, only 6 min off of my PR from 2007. I’m very happy. I got to meet lots of Texas Gorillas (they’re awesome!) Also, the course and race directors were amazing. Great job to those guys.
Oh, I still haven't done a recap from the KC Triathlon. I will soon, promise.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Race ready!
IM KS 70.3 is tomorrow! I feel good! Let's race!
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm healing!
So busy at work, haven't had time to blog. Finger is healing!
Ks 70.3 is this weekend- it's not the race I was hoping for, but there
will be other races. As you can see, my perspective on things have
changed a smidge. I'm excited to have a terrific time. I have two
objectives: finish and have FUN. I'm also pumped to meet my southern
Gorilla teammates! Go Gorillas!
-Courtney Staton
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®
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