If you are friends with me on facebook/twitter, then you know there's some WRONG with me.
Last week a rented a handful of movies from Redbox, all of them I had heard at one point that they were GOOD, but I didn't think I'd ever watch them all. Wednesday I left work early and went home to get some work done around the house. I walked thru the door, and dropped my purse on the table. The contents of course made it unstable, and everything spilled out, including my now over due movies.
Damn, I thought to myself,
those need to go back. Oh, well, hey, here's the one I haven't watched. Might as well get my money's worth... I put the DVD in the player, and climbed on the couch.
Two hours later, I sat, open jawed and wide eyed. I blinked at the tv screen a few times, digesting the movie. Then I went thru the special features.
OMG. To hell with it. I started the movie again.
I've been gushing since then to everyone who will listen about this movie. And those that will even pretend to listen. Then, my sister in law, an author in LA,
sent me this link. The, um, stolen book.
I keep hearing that the set- four published books in all, with the "half book," are even better than the movie. I'm not going to try to go buy just one, so later this week I'll go get the whole set. ... I should probably call and reserve one...

Last night, I was again spewing the obsessiveness to the latest victim, Chrissychriserton. "I know, I know. It sounds like some dumb teenage highschool vampire story. Lame, I know, but I can't even put into words how amazing this storyline is. The movie is phenomanal and the book that I read is unbelievable (
and I read ALOT). I can't wait to read them all, and I already have the date for the next movie." Chrissychristerton agree to re-rent the movie last night.
I turned to her, at the end of the movie, and saw the look on her face, the same as mine just three days prior.
She turned to me, "Play it again.
Twilight is the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life."
All I had to do was press Play.