Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Always Sunny in Kansas City

Okay, that's a lie.

I've been in Florida for a few days to lay to rest my grandmother's (and grandfather's) ashes. It's been a very tough and emotional trip. However, I got to spend a lot of quality time with my mom, whom I miss dearly, and my brother, sister in law, and one of my niece's (and a slew of aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, etc., that I rarely get the chance to see).

While I took my running stuff, I never unpacked my Garmin, let alone the running shoes. Tisk tisk. Not sure if running in 95 degrees would have been condusive to this weekend's marathon, anyway.

Speaking of the marathon: guess what! Mixed reports from drizzle, to run, to, what's this?! Farking SNOW?

Whatevs. This is the updated report (might not be the most credible, but it seems to be the most positive):

So, it will be cold. According to Brett Anthony (the official meteorologist for Runner's Edge KC) it should be dry all morning, and 48 by noon. And, I'd like to finish by 12:30pm.

I am still planning on Gorilla Multisport Shorts, with the tank, and an underarmour shirt. I'll start the race with the throw-away jacket I got from DFT many moons ago. Never had conditions that I thought I would need the throw-away for, and now I do.

I got some of those $1.00 gloves and almost matching $1.00 headband from Target. That oughtta do it, right?

If not, I may end up in capris, which will probably be the more sensible choice.

Here's the info on the marathon, and my number, in case you'd like to track me!

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