Monday, January 19, 2009

Social Networking Status: Non-existent

Last night my dearest husband started talking to me about a certain social networking site. He then went on to call me obessesed and addicted. ME? Hmpf. As he went on, he dared me, well, challenged me (ok told me) not to get on for five days. No problem! But, that was only 12 hrs ago, and I'm already itching to check it out. Actually, I more or less stalk old and current friends. I like to see the status updates, review posted phots, and see what people are talking about. So, I'm taking a forced hiatus. He's right, really. I get on the damn thing way too much. I have access from my phone so I check it during the drive to work, drive home (and gasp) ever so often during the day. 'Tis time to break the habit! I need social networking site rehab!

I however, did say I would last until Friday. I'm hoping that if I can go that long, then I won't feel the need to check it so often (Like when I first stopped drinking Diet Coke twice a day. I went cold turkey. It was AWFUL. Then the cravings just went away. Now I can "socially" drink my Diet Cokes without a real relapse. However, don't you dare try to take my coffee away. I have back up. And she has back-up.).

I'm pretty sure that my blog is RSS'ed to my social network site. So if you're out there... have fun while you can because I'll be checking back in a week!

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