Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two Days to Go!

Ahh! it's just over 48 hrs until wedding bells! Eek. ssooo crazy! there's so much going on and I have so many earrands to run. This will probably be the last post I make until I return for the much needed honeymoon.

Also, good luck to everyone racing Ironman Florida on Saturday. I'm so jealous! I can't wait for my next Iron distance race!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

RIP Fuji

Time ran out to place Fuji, so we reluctantly put him down last Friday. I am heartbroken.

Staton's Mt. Fuji 2003-2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

adopt a pit bull!

Hey guys, I'm in a conudrum. Because of reasons out of our hands, Eric and I need to find a home for Fuji, our 6 year old pit bull. He's tan and white, with a red nose and big floppy head. He's super sweet, loves to cuddle and play fetch. He knows basic comands, even "bang" (play dead). We'd prefer him to go to a previous pit bull owner, just because a bully breed owner understands the nuances of the breed. The one major stipulation is that he is the only dog in a family. He is probably related to Alf, so cats are a no-no too.
Fuji was house broke at an early age, and comes from a very high standard pedigree. We have not ever ordered his papers since we never bred him, but you can get those easily.
If you're interested, please email me immediately at

Thank you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Alive

Even after everything, I'm alive. I keep looking for that rainbow and I think I can see it in the distance!! I've had a couple interviews in the last week, one they wanted to hire me, but the money was a j-o-k-e, the other I'll hear from shortly. They're wanting to start someone right after I get back from the honeymoon, so I think there's a good chance. Plus, it's actually a posistion I've been trying to get into for about 9 months now, so it would be pretty badass. :)

As for other details on what's bee bringing me down, I'm still not at liberty to discuss, but hopefully will be after tonight. ::sigh:: We're trying to get everything wrapped up, and I think that should happen this evening.

I'm finalizing everything for the wedding, and am growing more excited and anxious by the day. If it weren't for the baggage we're toting around right now I think Mr. Starfish and I would be floating in the clouds, so it's good we're still grounded.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

From bad to worse.

First, I would like to say that Saturday night was great. I had a blast.

But, my trials and tribulations continue. Seriously, there's a couple things that have happened that I can't even discuss on here yet, but it's not good. Like, for real.

However, Eric's had some good stuff happen with the management company, which is nice, but right now I feel like the deck is really stacked against us, well, myself in particular.

While I can't explain everything, just please, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'm dealing with some heavy stuff and still trying to keep my head up and get pumped about the wedding.

I just can't wait to get to the honeymoon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's Pumpkin Season, Alright

I love fall. It's my favorite season. Every little corner has an old pickup truck selling pumpkins out of the bed. If I could, I'd buy a whole load. Not sure what I'd do with them. Maybe I could draw faces on them and talk to them like Tom Hanks and Wilson. I'm kind of missing the daily companionship of people. I think that's why I like the coffee shop. I don't have to talk to anyone, because really I don't like that at all, but I can converse if I really want to. I can't do that at home when Eric's not there. It's just me and dogs. Shy is a dog, and well, is still wearing a lampshade so I don't think she'd talk to me if she could. Fuji, along with being a dog and unable to speak in human would probably speak in a language I can't understand anway. Like, Mongolian or something.

Yesterday morning I got up and went for a jog- I say jog instead of run because it was just me lollygagging around the neighborhood. It was chilly out. I still got hot towards the end, but it was nice to just enjoy the morning and come home to some fresh brewed coffee.

I may do another run sometime this afternoon. It's been a really long time since I've been running on back to back days, but I really don't think it would hurt anything. Also, later today I'm making my jewelery to go with my super hot shoes I purchased for my bachlorette party. I got them at a steal too. So, here they are:

Cute, eh? I love girlie details so these are perfect.

Anyway, back to my j-o-b searching and coffee drinking.