Thursday, September 4, 2008

July 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007
Coming Clean
Okay, it’s time for me to come clean about my little nuclear meltdown Thursday. …

…I got home at the usual time, but was exhausted from the morning’s swim and late night before. I decided to take a nap. I woke up 20 minutes later and sat up. Next thing I knew, it was an hour and forty minutes later and Eric was home. It was 7:00pm, and I still had my 2 hr run to complete. Nothing was cleaned, no dinner was ready, and I should have been on the home stretch coming back from my run.. D’oh!

I groggily tried to ready myself to go out in the heat, while half asleep. And, of course, Eric came home to the house still a disaster zone. He was tired and cranky himself and was in no mood to see the place a wreck. This upset me that he was so bummed.

I finally made it out the door about 7:15pm. I tried dang hard just to tell myself to run, and I would be fine. I knew I would be able to settle into a comfortable pace and just tick off the miles like my usual long runs.


Less than a mile from my house I started getting flustered. Like bad flustered. Then the flood gates opened. WHHHAAA! Here I am, standing from knees to shoulders wrapped in spandex and lycra, a FuelBelt strapped to my waist, and I am BAWLING on the side of the road. I just crouched down and I could see the little tear drops splish-splashing on the sidewalk. This is no good, I thought to myself. I whipped out the trusty cell phone and thank goodness Robo answered.

“Hey Court.” “I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME…” the next 40 minutes or so went with me unloading about how I felt a lot of pressure to be Suzy Homemaker, Betty Businesswoman, and Ironwoman Irene. Oh, and top that off with a big dose of a Fat Freakout, and I was ready to have an explosion rivaled only by Chernobyl.

Thank goodness she can listen. She got me calmed down enough to run back home.

In Robo’s words: “Draw a bubble bath, turn out the lights, light some candles, put on some Kenny Loggins..” “Kenny Loggins!?” “Okay, I know you don’t have one of his cd’s but you get the idea.”

So I went home and did just that. Although it was actually Righteous Brothers, thankyouverymuch.

Oh, and Friday evening I had one of the best swimming workouts I have had in a long time and I was all by my lonesome. Saturday I even got in 60-some miles with my buddy Kat on the bike and pumped out a quick 30 minute run to work out the legs.

I was so sunburnt from my ride Saturday (note to self: wear sunscreen, you haven’t been tanning) that I decided to opt out of running and swimming Sunday (that would require straps for a bra and cloth for a shirt. NO GO.) So I slept until 10, tidied up the house and took Eric to breakfast at the Big Biscuit. A much deserved rest day and the batteries are mostly recharged for this week. My most grueling week yet, I’ll log in just under 17 hours in 6 days.

That’s okay: It’s my birthday week. It’s impossible to have a bad birthday week!
(Until, that is, the QM people posted a picture of me allegedly digging my crotch- and Julie, if there were gold there, then that would explain Eric’s obsession… the photo is posted as pic of the day on the homepage.)
posted @ 7/30/2007 1:32:47 PM (0) Comments
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thanks, Robo.
Thanks for being there. I was a wreck! <3 Court

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

You put that on my collage you made for my b-day last year. I look at it everyday! MUAH!
posted @ 7/27/2007 1:24:45 PM (0) Comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
HELP Calling all dieticians, nutritionists, physicians, Voodoo doctors…
Calling all dieticians, nutritionists, physicians, Voodoo doctors…

So I went to the Voodoo doctor last night. I mean chiropractor. I mean active release therapist. I mean herbal supplement dealer. I mean epidemiologist. I mean nutritionist.. I mean.. ok, you get the point. The guy even has about six doctorate degrees.

I was referred to him by a half dozen people, all of whom seem to have their stuff together. All who swear by him. So I said, all right, let’s go.

I went in to have my knee with the plica and scar tissue build up worked on. He put me on a treadmill. He told, TOLD, NOT ASKED, me that besides the knee problem, I have rolled my right ankle quite a bit (yep), have achilies problems (chee-ack), and have a tight left hamstring (ding ding ding, we have a winner). I was like YOU CAN TELL FROM ME RUNNING?? SO, my knee got the brunt of the work. Fun. I was twisted, popped, pulled, stretched… then my achillies, and hamstring…

Afterwards he ran a cardiogram (measures the beats of your heart- think about the look of a hospital room HRM) and printed it out. He then asked if I:
- Eat a lot of protein (duh)
- Have digestion problems, most specifically when I run (I thought this was normal, but I think my stomach is more sensitive than others)
- Having trouble loosing weight even with a rigorous training plan and “clean” nutrition (Man, this guy’s good)

Of course I said yes to what he was asking me, and he proceeded to tell me about the supplements he’d like for me to try. Here’s where I need your help. I am super skeptical of all the new-wave “organic” supplements. I think the marketing personnel in the diet industry are way under paid. Alas, I agreed to try it. Are you a doctor? Know someone that is? What about a nutritionist, or 5k runners? If so pease email me at Can you please look over the below chart and tell me what you think.

All products are made by Standard Process

Courtney's Daily Cocktail

A-F Betafood
Used to help thin the bile and promote better liver and gall bladder function. It assists in the conversion of fat to sugar. It is also a natural antibiotic which destroys harmful bacteria. This product helps with fat digestion, nausea, gas, bloating and right shoulder blade discomfort. Gallbladder problems usually cause pain or pressure in the right shoulder and upper back.
rec. 6/day. Min 3/day
Excellent for a sick heart. It helps with any type of heart problem: high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and chest pain. It has been proven to improve heart graphs within minutes of ingestion.
rec. 6/day. Min 3/day
This product is good for people who have difficulty in digesting fatty foods. People with hemorrhoids, constipation or a pasty complexion due to incomplete fat digestion would benefit from this product. It is also good as a mild detoxifier for the person who has a toxic liver, people with mental problems and Alzheimer’s.

Coleus Forte
Aid moderate weight loss in conjunction with a balanced, calorie-controlled diet and exercise program, help the body maintain healthy weight, help maintain normal blood pressure within a normal range, support and maintain cellular health, promote healthy digestion, maintain normal thyroid function
rec. 5/day. Min 3/day
Manganese B12
Good muscle builder, bone hardener and a ligament strengthener. It is good for ligament tone and joint hypermobility.
1/ day
Min-Tran is short for "mineral tranquilizer." It's the mildest of the three tranquilizing products, excellent for the person who is nervous and cannot relax. It's also effective for helping people with muscle spasms and cramps. Min-Tran contains about one-third the amount of potassium that's in Organic Minerals. It's the kelp in the Min-Tran that supplies the potassium. Basically speaking, Min-Tran is the alkaline ash minerals plus calcium. So if a person needs both calcium and the alkaline ash minerals, give Min-Tran, if he needs only calcium, as in the case of a person with a cold or infection, suggest the use of Calcium Lactate.
rec. 4/meal (12/day). Min 3/day
This product is good for clients who are sensitive to an acid stomach or who have heartburn and still need the digestive enzymes. It helps with intestinal parasites, indigestion, ulcers, lower bowel gas and is good for people who need better digestion.
Thyroid Complex
Support healthy thyroid function important for normal energy production; maintain normal thyroid function; possibly assist the body in achieving normal basal metabolism; maintain or improve general well-being; assist the body adapt to physically and mentally challenging circumstances
Lack of muscle tone in the heart muscle itself can cause this compromise in performance. Vasculin contains bovine PMG™ extract, naturally-occurring Coenzyme Q10, and vitamin B and E complexes to support the healthy functioning of the heart muscle.

rec. 6/day. Min 3/day

posted @ 7/26/2007 11:55:11 AM (0) Comments
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Damn alarm clock
4:30am ::BEEP BEEP BEEP:: Smack! I reached over and slammed the alarm clock. Uugghhh. My throat was still sore from the drainage. I fell back asleep. 4:45am ::BEEP BEEP BEEP:: Dammit! I am up, I am up! Uuuugghh. Eric questions my groaning. I explain to him that the drainage has left my throat raw and tender. “Lay back down. Get back in bed.” He says, pawing at my shoulder. “I don’t think it’s healthy. You’re not healthy.” I sit there, scrubbing the sleep out of my eyes, mumbling something about “I have to…” and put my feet on the cool carpet. By then the dogs are bouncing around the room. Let us out, let us out we need to tinkle, we gotta poop! they seem to say. I groggily open the door and walk out. ::BEEP BEEP BEEP:: That damn alarm clock! Back in the bedroom- Eric reaches over and grabs my pillow and pulls it over his head. I try fiddling with the clock when I realize it was actually the house alarm and I had set off the motion sensor. I run to keypad and start typing numbers. Whew. Eric again grumbles that I shouldn’t run.. it’s dark, I’m tired, in his standards I’m sick, it’s 4:50 in the freaking morning… blah blah blah.
I know that I have 60min ahead of min, and I need to be back at the house by 6:05am. I gathered up what I still needed, added water to frozen bottles, dressed myself…I ate ¾ of the Clif Bar and did some jumping around to “work one out.” :) It didn’t help much. Eric calls to me while I’m still sitting on the toilet “Who does No. 2 work for?” (It’s a line from Austin Powers). Cute, Honey, real cute.
I finally made it out the door at 5:15am. I know I’m going to have to cut off about 10 minutes. I couldn’t be late for work. Eric gives me final instructions to text him every 10 minutes so he knows I’m okay. I am sporting the neon orange reflector vest, reflector ankle bands, and other flashy stuff. Fun. At least if a car hits me, they can’t claim they didn’t see me.
My legs felt fairly fresh- not heavy like I was afraid of. My “easy ride” from the night before turned into a hilly hammerfest. Why? Because I let me head get to me. Nice job. As I was running I kept expecting to pay my price for over doing the previous workout.
At 25 minutes into the run I realize, No. 2 doesn’t work for me, and I LOVE QUIK TRIP. Why, oh why, does this happen on EVERY morning run? At least this time I chose to head down 7 hwy, and not Adams Diary, where I would be 2 miles from the nearest public restroom open at 5:30am.
Also, let me tell you how funny it is to see people’s reaction at that time. I’m dripping with sweat, glowing neon orange, and have been running. Standing in line to pay are the construction workers keep who their comments to themselves, thank you (last night on my ride a guy pull sup to me at a stop light and proceeds to tell me how good I look on my bike. He has ONE, count it, ONE tooth on top. Uh, thanks pal), the workaholic business man getting his coffee and paper, the two cops getting *surprise* donuts, and the gal about five years my senior in fluffy slippers and oversized shirt. She’s rocking major facial wrinkles and is overweight. Guess what she gets. A carton of Marlboro Reds. Nice. …there’s this nice little conglomeration of people, and then there’s me, headphones still going, but not in my ears, sipping out of my water bottle as I walk out the door. I could FEEL people looking at me. That woman is CRAZY.
I make it back to the house uneventfully. However, I ran in a pair of shorts that I usually don’t wear, and I got a little present from them. Thigh burn. Okay, one, yes, I have thunder thighs, two, the seams on the shorts rub against one another right where my legs hit each other. Ouch! It hurts - it hurts!
Up for tonight: 2hr ride with rolling hills. .. okay since last night was supposed to be easy, and I found every hill possible, what do I do?
Wednesday I am going to the chiropractor that does active release. Hopefully he can break up the scar tissue in my knee. It’s gonna hurt like hell, but if it will stop bothering me, it will be worth it. I wish I could take my rest day and actually sleep in, but I still have to get up to coach. Oh well, at least I don’t have to swim!

On a separate note:
Per Bill O’Reilly, Michael Vick was given a one year suspension from the NFL for his part in the dog fights. Go NFL!
Now for:
CocaCola/ Powerade
EA Sports
And others….
(ps I stuck to my word. I tried on this Nike Running Skirt today. I liked it, but I opted not to take it because it was Nike. Had they not stuck with MV, they would be $60 richer)

posted @ 7/24/2007 12:43:33 PM (0) Comments
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Damn alarm clock
4:30am ::BEEP BEEP BEEP:: Smack! I reached over and slammed the alarm clock. Uugghhh. My throat was still sore from the drainage. I fell back asleep. 4:45am ::BEEP BEEP BEEP:: Dammit! I am up, I am up! Uuuugghh. Eric questions my groaning. I explain to him that the drainage has left my throat raw and tender. “Lay back down. Get back in bed.” He says, pawing at my shoulder. “I don’t think it’s healthy. You’re not healthy.” I sit there, scrubbing the sleep out of my eyes, mumbling something about “I have to…” and put my feet on the cool carpet. By then the dogs are bouncing around the room. Let us out, let us out we need to tinkle, we gotta poop! they seem to say. I groggily open the door and walk out. ::BEEP BEEP BEEP:: That damn alarm clock! Back in the bedroom- Eric reaches over and grabs my pillow and pulls it over his head. I try fiddling with the clock when I realize it was actually the house alarm and I had set off the motion sensor. I run to keypad and start typing numbers. Whew. Eric again grumbles that I shouldn’t run.. it’s dark, I’m tired, in his standards I’m sick, it’s 4:50 in the freaking morning… blah blah blah.
I know that I have 60min ahead of min, and I need to be back at the house by 6:05am. I gathered up what I still needed, added water to frozen bottles, dressed myself…I ate ¾ of the Clif Bar and did some jumping around to “work one out.” :) It didn’t help much. Eric calls to me while I’m still sitting on the toilet “Who does No. 2 work for?” (It’s a line from Austin Powers). Cute, Honey, real cute.
I finally made it out the door at 5:15am. I know I’m going to have to cut off about 10 minutes. I couldn’t be late for work. Eric gives me final instructions to text him every 10 minutes so he knows I’m okay. I am sporting the neon orange reflector vest, reflector ankle bands, and other flashy stuff. Fun. At least if a car hits me, they can’t claim they didn’t see me.
My legs felt fairly fresh- not heavy like I was afraid of. My “easy ride” from the night before turned into a hilly hammerfest. Why? Because I let me head get to me. Nice job. As I was running I kept expecting to pay my price for over doing the previous workout.
At 25 minutes into the run I realize, No. 2 doesn’t work for me, and I LOVE QUIK TRIP. Why, oh why, does this happen on EVERY morning run? At least this time I chose to head down 7 hwy, and not Adams Diary, where I would be 2 miles from the nearest public restroom open at 5:30am.
Also, let me tell you how funny it is to see people’s reaction at that time. I’m dripping with sweat, glowing neon orange, and have been running. Standing in line to pay are the construction workers keep who their comments to themselves, thank you (last night on my ride a guy pull sup to me at a stop light and proceeds to tell me how good I look on my bike. He has ONE, count it, ONE tooth on top. Uh, thanks pal), the workaholic business man getting his coffee and paper, the two cops getting *surprise* donuts, and the gal about five years my senior in fluffy slippers and oversized shirt. She’s rocking major facial wrinkles and is overweight. Guess what she gets. A carton of Marlboro Reds. Nice. …there’s this nice little conglomeration of people, and then there’s me, headphones still going, but not in my ears, sipping out of my water bottle as I walk out the door. I could FEEL people looking at me. That woman is CRAZY.
I make it back to the house uneventfully. However, I ran in a pair of shorts that I usually don’t wear, and I got a little present from them. Thigh burn. Okay, one, yes, I have thunder thighs, two, the seams on the shorts rub against one another right where my legs hit each other. Ouch! It hurts - it hurts!
Up for tonight: 2hr ride with rolling hills. .. okay since last night was supposed to be easy, and I found every hill possible, what do I do?
Wednesday I am going to the chiropractor that does active release. Hopefully he can break up the scar tissue in my knee. It’s gonna hurt like hell, but if it will stop bothering me, it will be worth it. I wish I could take my rest day and actually sleep in, but I still have to get up to coach. Oh well, at least I don’t have to swim!

On a separate note:
Per Bill O’Reilly, Michael Vick was given a one year suspension from the NFL for his part in the dog fights. Go NFL!
Now for:
CocaCola/ Powerade
EA Sports
And others….
(ps I stuck to my word. I tried on this Nike Running Skirt today. I liked it, but I opted not to take it because it was Nike. Had they not stuck with MV, they would be $60 richer)

posted @ 7/24/2007 12:43:27 PM (0) Comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Off roading...
I only have but a minute- but I would like to pose this quandry:
Bridge out on loop route. Remedy?
Option 1: turn around, ride back whence you came, will add upwards of 20 miles onto your total ride.
Option 2: Unclip, carry bike over shoulder into bull's pasture until y ou find a rock bridge thru stream. Climb on rocks hoping like hell you dont fall on them or into mud/stream and then scramble 'cross style up hill while still carrying bike, unshod.
My feet may be scratched, but dammit I didn't have to ride for another hour on top of what I had to finish.
posted @ 7/23/2007 1:11:39 PM (0) Comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I wrote a few emails.. namely to NFL, Nike, Rawlings, etc...
Here is the email I wrote and the response I recieved from Nike::Customer (courtney crutcher) - 07/19/2007 01:55 PM Please immediately remove Michael Vick from NIKE for hisalleged involvement in dogfighting. Vick's recent indictment bya federal grand jury for crimes related to dogfighting is acertain sign that you must treat this matter seriously. Reportsof extreme cruelty to dogs who didn't "perform" to the fighters'satisfaction only add to the disgrace Vick brings to the NFL.As an animal lover- an owner of TWO Pit bulls, and a sports fan-I am appalled by the actions of Michael Vick, and his cohorts. I am asking you, Mr. Vick's employer, the employer's governingbody, his sponsors, and financial supporters to seriouslyconsider who the person that directly reflects upon you is. I WILL NOT be spending any money with any of Mr. Vick's sponsors(Those such as Nike will lost hundreds of my dollars annually),nor will I attend ANY NFL games (I don't really need thoseseason tickets), or anything else that could offer patronage toany person, any organization or company related to Mr. Vick. As per court documents:...even if the losing dogs survived, they met a cruel fate,"sometimes put to death by drowning, strangulation, hanging, gunshot, electrocution or some other method."These actions should not be taken lightly. Sports fans, animalowners, and especially those of Pit Bulls are outraged. Please do not allow those such as Mr. Vick to tarnish yourcompany's reputations.Sincerely,Ms. Courtney CrutcherBlue Springs, MO

Subject---------------------------------------------------------------immediately remove Michael Vick from your athlete roster!Discussion Thread---------------------------------------------------------------Response (Caryn) - 07/19/2007 01:57 PM Thank you for contacting Nike regarding Michael Vick.Nike is concerned by the serious and highly disturbing allegations made against Michael Vick, and we consider any cruelty to animals inhumane and abhorrent. We do believe that Michael Vick should be afforded the same due process as any citizen; therefore, we have not terminated our relationship. We have, however, made the decision to suspend the release of the Zoom Vick V and related marketing communications. Nike will continue to monitor the situation closely and has no further comment at this time.We appreciate that you took the time to contact us and your feedback will be passed along to the proper department.Sincerely,Nike

--- As I told Melissa D.:
Okay, I understand they want to wait until he is actually judged. That is fair. But I mean, come on. Even OJ Simpson can't get out of this one.. wait.. wasn't OJ a nike athelte too...
posted @ 7/19/2007 2:12:49 PM (0) Comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Don't Quit
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will When the road you're trudging seems all up hill. When funds are low and the debts are high. And you want to smile, but you have to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit. Rest, if you must, but don't you quit. Life is strange with its twists and turns. As everyone of us sometimes learns. And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out:Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are. It may be near when it seems so far: So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit It's when things seem worst that you must not QUIT.

Author Unknown
posted @ 7/18/2007 12:17:56 PM (0) Comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
So sick and tired of being sick and tired!!
Sick and tired of being sick and tired…

Ugh! Here it is, Day 11 of me being sick. I raced on day 2. On days 4,5,6,7,8, & 10 I worked out. Here it is day 11, and I went to the doc to get drugs for my bacterial sinus infection. I’m so over it. So, here I am, looking outside at the incredibly hot weather (that also incredibly I have discovered I enjoy riding in) and what will I do tonight? NOT my 2hr planned ride. I may get on the trainer for a few just to keep the legs moving, but I know better than to go out like I want to. I feel like my fitness level has slipped dramatically (I know, I have only missed 4 workouts, for a total of 2hrs and 15mins of lost training time) and I feel like I got fat in a week. It’s killing me! I HATE IT!!!!

I just want to get back to being healthy. I take my Juice Plus+, eat my chicken, lots of fruits and veggies, drink plenty of water.. and yet, I’m sick. At least I’m not alone: Besides the gaggle of people I know that are sick, Eric is even worse than I am. He said he was going to get checked out today, but I know how he is with dr’s appointments, so I guess we’ll see.

The other bummer is that since I’m sick, I can’t go see my grandpa. I absolutely cannot get him sick. Even if there is just a slightest chance I’m contagious, I can’t risk it. He need’s to be as healthy as possible.

Also, tomorrow evening I have to go the Steph’s mom’s house to do some SSBSP (super secret bridal shower planning). That should be good at least (except she lives a couple houses from my g-rents, and I still won’t be able to see them!!!).

Here’s some bittersweet news: Dustin Francis 1985-2007

For those that have been reading my blog since at least May, you will remember a dear friend of mine that died in a boating accident at Lake of the Ozarks on May 21st. Well, to keep info at a minimum, Dustin’s remains were recovered at 8:15am Sunday morning. Apparently they had washed up around Mile Marker 3, about where he had vanished. His family held funeral services for him on June 8th. His body had been in the lake for 55 days. I don’t really have any further details.
posted @ 7/17/2007 1:33:36 PM (0) Comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I'm leaving on a jet plane...
YES! We got plane tickets!!!
This is what stokes me about them:
TO PCB, not Ft. Walton!!
And hey, why the hell not stay an extra day!
I'll be there from Wednesday- Tuesday. PERFECTTTTT!
posted @ 7/12/2007 11:05:01 AM (0) Comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Shawnee Mission Park LongCourse Recap
Shawnee Mission Triathlon Long Course- Courtney
1000m swim/ 18 mile bike/ 4.5 mile run

Saturday evening as I was making my spaghetti I started to feel soreness in my throat. Uh-oh! Right after I ate I went to Walgreens and picked up some throat spray and some hot thera-flu drinking stuff. I made it to bed about 9:10 p.m. However about 2 am I woke up choking and coughing. Megan said that when she was getting sick it felt like there was an elephant on her chest- that’s a good way to describe how I was feeling. I ran to the toilet and start spitting the phlegm up and coughing, which made me puke nothing but snot. Let me tell you, not fun. I felt like crap and drank another thera-flu and went back to sleep.
I woke up at 4:30am and I thought “No way, I can’t do this.” But I did anyway.

I rode out on my bike to just get clipped in and to find a bathroom where there wasn’t a line. I did not really do any type of “warm-up” just breathing and not coughing was more than enough effort for me.

Swimming 17:14 (5th fastest swim split overall- surprised me!)
I started in the opening heat, there were only 62 of us, so it was too packed. I wasn’t looking to set an best swim times, I just needed to get through it. From pool swimming I remember how hard it was to breathe with a sore through and drainage. Ugh! It is so much harder in open water with people swimming over you (obviously). This was by no means a fast swim for me. I just decided to use the swim as a “warm-up” to get me to the bike.

T1 (:58)
I sprayed my throat with the chloraseptic stuff. I was already hurting! Pretty much uneventful T1. I love starting with my shoes rubber-banded to the bike. It’s SO easy to get started. I’m also getting pretty good and jumping onto the bike without slowing my run out of T1.

Bike (1:04.30)
First thing- my bike is so amazing. I love it. Four loops of the same course, four times up the damn dam hill. At least I knew the route well from all those Thursdays out there! I had a decent ride, tried to suck down water and hack up the ick. I felt good for the most part and I love passing people!

T2 (1:06)
There is a very small bike lane that is just wide enough for one bike that starts about 25 yards from the dismount. No big deal I am reaching down pulling my feet out of my shoes, and I hear “ON YOUR LEFT” and this short course guy comes flying past me, nearly running me into the cones. A volunteer yelled “NO PASSING IN THE LANE SIR!” he made some comment back to her, but I couldn’t tell what. Then he ride right up to the dismount line (in the very middle of it) puts both feet down and does the swing one leg over and try to stand thing. Ha! Then I got to yell “Go Go Go Go Go” because he was in MY way. I was off of my bike and running it to the rack so fast, even I was impressed! I was just pissed that guy had been such a punk! I hope he got a penalty for passing the lane that had a huge sign “NO PASSING!”

Run (55:38)
Yep. The run. On the way out of the TA I saw Nancy and she gave me the hug/pat/high five thing. She told me “have fun on those hills.” Thanks, Nanc. I pretty much just shuffled along hacking up phlegm. Fun stuff.

Over-All (2:19.24)
Decent race for feeling so crappy. It wasn’t spectacular, but I was pretty happy overall. After looking at results, prior to the run I had a 9 minute lead over the eventual winner- she completely out ran me. Just wasn’t me day to go fast especially on the run. It would have been best for my throat to have water stops every 1/2 mile, but, I am not the only person racing. :) Ended up in 3rd.
Oh! And Sarah Reinerstien was there racing. She is, um, straight up badass! :)
posted @ 7/10/2007 6:30:32 AM (0) Comments
Friday, July 06, 2007
SMP Weekend Preview
Weekend Preview
Shawnee Mission Park is this weekend. Crazy that this really marks the midway point of the season. I had 7 tris planned for the year, one got cancelled, so here I am at number 3 with only 3 to go. Also, the remaining three include a HIM and IMFL. So, yeah, one local race left after this weekend- it will be the KC Women’s sprint tri at Smithville. It’s sad to see the season go so quickly. It is NINE weeks POST Lincoln and I have about 17 weeks (121 days) until Florida. Everyday, I look at the calendar and verbally say “Nu-uh!” Because, it’s coming. Quick.

I have to say I’m not totally pumped for SMP. I’m doing the Long Course, which is fine, but that means I have to make FOUR loops of the same 4.5 mile route on the bike. That means I have to climb the damn dam hill 4 times (Sorry legs) and see the same thing over and over and over and over and… I am burnt out on going to SMP. For, what?, about eight of the last 10 weeks I have gone out there to train. I’m so over it. However, I must say I’m stoked to see how I can do on the run. It’s 4.5 paved trail route. I haven’t been doing any brick work, however there is some focus on the run in my training right now, so I’d like to see how that works out. QuarterMax wasn’t a good test spot for that because of the massive hills- I couldn’t really find a pace.

Speaking of running, last night I ran a little shy of nine miles. I was sporting my Speedo fastskin with some DFT tri shorts. I felt like a badass. If it weren’t for my j-e-ll-o legs (which are finally going away) I would race and workout in a one piece Speedo all the time. That’s what I have spent most of my life in and it’s how I feel comfortable. I did a couple races in one last year, but looking back, I can see I was the chubby girl trying to look like I wasn’t chubby and race in a swim suit, SOOO I am going to wait until I’m in rocking shape to sport that again. Hell, maybe by then I’ll be racing in a two piece…

At lunch today I am picking up my race packet and dropping off some goodies at the “expo.” Don’t forget, folks, buy stuff from TriSports- and when you do use this coupon code: CRUT-S It get’s you at least 10% off of your orders over $25, and it gets me a little something back in return.

Oh, and P.S. I just smelled my arm (yes, yes, I did) and I STILL smell like chlorine from this morning. Even after a shower, apple body wash, and Aveno moisturizer. UGH!

While “working” today I came across this doosey:
Don’t sit on the drain. Seriously.

Edina girl survives horrific pool accident

Abigail Taylor is what doctors call a medical miracle. The six-year-old is sitting up, talking and fully aware that she nearly died last Friday in a horrific pool accident at the Minneapolis Golf Club's Kiddie Pool. Abigail sat on the drain at the bottom of the pool and doctors say her bottom created suction on the drain. They say the strength of the suction from the drain pulled part of her small intestines out of her rear end. Her mom says Abbey somehow pulled herself off the drain and out of the pool before collapsing into the deep end of the regular pool."It's a medical miracle that she survived," Abigail's father Scott Taylor said. The little girl was rushed to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. Doctors operated for several hours before addressing the family. "I immediately fell to me knees, my initial reaction was she hadn't survived," Taylor said. But Abigail did survive, though her life will never be the same. "She'll basically be on an I.V. That's how she'll receive all of her nutrition based on the fact that her small intestines are gone. She can't process food," Taylor said.Abigail is scheduled to undergo surgery on Friday to have a port implanted through which she'll be fed. Taylor is talking to reporters to make sure other parents and pool owners are aware of the dangers lurking at the bottom of pools. Taylor's lawyer says a missing drain cover may be what caused this incomprehensible accident. The manager of the Minneapolis Golf Club says he wasn't aware of any problems with the pool."Whatever happens from this point forward, the fact that she's still with us is amazing. I don't know any other way to say that," Taylor concluded. Abbey will remain in the hospital for at least a couple of weeks.

posted @ 7/6/2007 9:16:20 AM (0) Comments
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Goals For July 3, 4
Okay so the Courtney Imposed Goals for everyone on the 3rd and 4th are:
Do not catch yourself on fire.
Do not catch someone else on fire.
Do not get so drunk that you get in the shower with your clothes on.

Have a great holiday!! Think of everyone fighting for your freedom right now!

Congrats, Dawn!
On taking the leap to signing up for IM CDA. I'm so excited for you. Welcome to the crazy club.
Follow Dawn's adventures here:
posted @ 7/3/2007 10:47:23 AM (0) Comments
Monday, July 02, 2007
Random, unorganized thoughts on Friday-Sunday, Riverfest, etc.
Random, unorganized thoughts on Friday-Sunday, Riverfest, etc.

So, I didn’t get to wear my shorts and rainbow bikini. Why? Because it was about 60 degrees if that on both Friday and Saturday. Go figure.

My feeble attempts at working out this weekend (a ride on the trainer Friday and road ride on Saturday- got rained out so moved to Sunday) were so worthless that I’m not even going to talk about them. Except to say I’m disappointed in myself and I could have done much better if I had put the effort in and didn’t allow myself to get distracted.

Friday night I drank. A lot. Like, way too much. I have never let myself get sick, especially from beer. But, I guess I hadn’t ate all day, then guzzled a few… anyway, I ended up in the shower with my clothes on and my phone still in my pocket. Yeah. Go me. Kids, here is an example of what NOT to do.

Saturday I had to get up to coach. Let me tell you how much fun it is to walk into a pool with bright fluorescent lights and loud sounds 5 hrs after you got into a shower fully clothed. YEAH, I’m an idiot.

I made myself keep going for the day. Justin J., Kenny B., George D., Eric and myself went to First Watch for breakfast. That made me happy. I then did a little shopping and went to Justin’s boy, Ryder’s 1st birthday party. There’s no better birth control than 10 kids under the age of 7yrs old in a 15’ x 18’ space. At one point someone asked me “Don’t you just want one?” (anybody that knows me knows how I feel about kids) Uh, NO.

Saturday evening was great even though the ski show in the river didn’t happen (wouldn’t be much fun trying to ski around dead hookers and tree stumps). I drug JMoore out with me for a fun filled evening. We still had the slider and freestyle MX. Kenny had headed home because we figured everything would get cancelled, but alas it did not. George didn’t skate either. I loaned him a box of tampons (haha, Georgie pordgie)! But at least he got to hang out.

The fireworks went off and the sky was perfect for it. I tried to drink a beer, but there was no way. I was also driving and if there’s one thing I won’t do, it’s drink and drive. JMoore and I got hot fudge Sundays instead. YUM! That was perfect!

I pretty much slept all day Sunday. Go figure by Sunday afternoon it was sunny and warm. Eric and I did the barbeque thing with Justin, Ryder, Ashley, and Brody (their kids). Big difference between their kids and most others. Why? I like them. :-)

After this weekend I woke up this morning really bummed at myself and my lack of training. I can’t be missing key sessions, and I had one that a may as well have skipped altoghter. That shit won’t fly anymore. 124 days to Florida and we just started our third week of IM Specific training (Week 18). Scary!
Also, the pictures from Quartermax have been posted and even though I have been losing weight I think I look like a stuffed sausage. So Sad! No excuses, though. If I train and continue to stick to clean nutrition it will come off so I’m trying not to let it totally bum me out, but I still feel like cow. Moo.

Swam this morning, have a run tonight. Afterwards I’m heading to my grandparent’s and I’m excited to see them.

Hope everyone had a nice and safe weekend. Please be careful this holiday week! Also, if you’re planning to ride Wednesday- be careful. People will be drunk and driving like jackasses!

posted @ 7/2/2007 7:08:45 AM (0) Comments

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