Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Give Thanks

Ten things I'm so very grateful for.

1. My Son. I'm blessed that I was able to get pregnant without really having to "try." Some women try and never can concive, or do and lose the pregnancies. Thank God, we didn't have to endure this. He's the most amazing, wonderful, awesome thing that I will ever do in my life.

2. My Husband. We made TEN YEARS this year. It's gone by quickly. I'm looking forward to many many more.

3. The Rest of My Family and Friends. I have such a huge extended family when you include our friends. We are so blessed to have many people we're close to.

4. My Job. There's so many Americans right now struggling to make ends meet. While we aren't rolling in it (hardly with the new expense of daycare), we're still able to tuck away a little into savings every two weeks. My husband works extremely hard to provide for our family, and we have been able to take that hard work and make it a beautiful home, a new pick up and car, and really want for nothing, within reason. I'm not bragging, I'm counting blessings.

5. My Health. I had an uncomplicated pregnancy. I'm fit and strong and becoming more so with every day. I want to live a long time, and taking care of myself will help me get there.

6. See Number 5 (Cars, House, Plasma Screen TVs). We want for nothing. Praise be to God.

7. My Trainer, Angela.  Without her and my new workout buddy (and competition!), Cheryl, I wouldn't have the slightest idea what I'm doing in the figure arena.

8. My Mother Visiting.  To say the least, my mother hasn't been in fabulous health over the last couple years.  She came in September and her grandson got to meet her, and she was doing great. I pray it's not the only time.

9. My Staff and Coworkers.  The structure at my work is changing and a lot of people are leaving or being shut out. I can't say I entirely agree, although I know the direction we're headed in is the right one. I'm Thankful for the people that I work with and those that work for me.

10. Everything. Every night when I go to sleep, I try to thank God for each of the blessings my family has. I never get all the way thru, but in case God reads triathlon blogs,
                                                                Thank You.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Belated Photo Friday

Photo Sunday??

My love.